Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
308 warlock looking to join a team! Please message SirBushido97 for invite!
need 1 for flawless must have emblem
Need 1 looking to go flawess message peacekeeper506 with class and light
Two flawless hunters looking for one more person with flawless emblem and a kd above 1.0 to go flawless with us. We have good teamwork just need a good shotgunner or elite sniper. Been flawless already this week also
Looking to go flawless invite
309 warlock w/ no mic but I can hear just looking to have fun and complete bounties. GT same as above
313 hunter lookin for experienced trials team hit me up gt the same
Need one for flawless run . Be epic and have thorn. Msg for invite
313 Titan Lookin for group that is going for flawless
Need 1 for flawless that has emblem
311 Hunter looking for solid communication message light and class gt same
Looking to join a trials team. 301 Titan SHAZACH 1 Xboxone Not looking for flawless, just bounties...
303 hunter looking for 2. I can play seriously or for fun I don't mind. Message me on Xbox One for invite: swinecult
Gt same. 310 warlock looking for team
Need 1 for flawless must have gone to light house before and have the year 2 flawless emblem message back for invite gt: same
Two people looking to go flawless. Haven't gone flawless this year and seem to only be able to go 6-0. Message Driftking456 and let me know if your interested in helping some guardians out
Need one must be good message for invite looking to go flawless
Two flawless hunters looking for one more person with flawless emblem and a kd above 1.0 to go flawless with us. We have good teamwork just need a good shotgunner or elite sniper. Been flawless already this week also
Need one for trials chill team communicate well gt same as above
Need 1 300+ for a Trials run. Msg for invite
Looking to join a trials team. 301 Titan SHAZACH 1 Xboxone Not looking for flawless, just bounties...
Looking for 1 for flawless, stats will be checked. Just need you to hold your own, communicate and listen accordingly. 310+ preferably.
Looking to join a trials team. 301 Titan SHAZACH 1 Xboxone Not looking for flawless, just bounties...
Inv arabboyswag if you need a solid teammate. Already went flawless on all 3. Just playing for fun
Very skilled player looking for an evenly skilled team to go to the lighthouse, I am tired of getting put with a team who can't do anything, if you're good and trying to go flawless send me an invite
Need 2 for trials I want people who hold own weight not looking I carry today if u can hold ur own please GT same as above if not please don't join and when I'm done with these last characters then I might be helping others but now I'm just looking for quick easy run