Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need 1 for flawless run. Message for inv
need 1 titan or warlock for trials. must be good. gt same as above
Need 1 for trials (preferably self res) 1.3 KD or better I'll check it so don't ask for invite if you don't have it Message TheClevlandStmR for invite
Need 2 for flawless must have experience, be a good communicator, 300+, and kd1.4+ gt:captain geyser
RANKED #15 IN THE WORLD IN TRIALS! HELPING GUARDIANS GO FLAWLESS 9-0! Hurry! Don't message, just come to stream! :)
Looking for 1 for trials run gt as above
Need 1 Been 21 times Message darkstelcolusus for inv
Need 1 more message jon71187
Looking to help people go flawless I was ranked 79th in the world at trials Year 1 The requirements for me to help you is: message me on xbox GT: Mr Mugglestone Please bare in mind there is a line Donating does get you to the front of the line But it isn't required Thanks!
Need 1 great player who's been flawless before in Y2
Need one for flawless msg psychotic po
READ BEFORE INVITING -- 313 warlock! --CAN ONLY SKYPE MIC IS NOT WORKING --CAN I GET an ELITE GROUP FOR TRIALS 6 teams I've been in and they are awful and I'm sick and tired of it --MUST HAVE A 1.50KD OR HIGHER not one of you both of you must YOU can go right ahead and check my stats --I am an elite player not looking to joke around. --I am looking to go flawless, and flawless only. --Gt- agnostic cynic ----REMEMBER YOU MUST HAVE A SKYPE TO TALK XBOX ONE
306 titan looking for a team make a light house run not looking to carry have gone flawless in year 2
Top 1% player done with the bull shit. Done carrying kids today, I need my flawlesses. Went x6 to lighthouse last week. Once so far this week. ~good players only ~carry your own weight ~no BS excuses ~lets get this flawless shit done
Need 1 for trials . Message gt above for inv Dont be a dick, just trying to have fun and go flawless
Need one more 1.5 kd for trials gtag same as above will stat check nsa.
Looking for 1 more positive Kd and at least 25 or higher dtr message stalliondc22
317 light gone flawless 26 times year 2. Carrying people on all characters. Message for inv GT: yodawg696
READ BEFORE INVITING -- 313 warlock! --CAN ONLY SKYPE MIC IS NOT WORKING --CAN I GET an ELITE GROUP FOR TRIALS 6 teams I've been in and they are awful and I'm sick and tired of it --MUST HAVE A 1.50KD OR HIGHER not one of you both of you must YOU can go right ahead and check my stats --I am an elite player not looking to joke around. --I am looking to go flawless, and flawless only. --Gt- agnostic cynic ----REMEMBER YOU MUST HAVE A SKYPE TO TALK XBOX ONE
303 Warlock & 306 Hunter LF one more for ToO GT same, msg on X1
Need one more 1.5 kd for trials gtag same as above will stat check nsa.
310 lock with 310 lock looking for 1 more msg FaILUr3 WHEN for inv
Looking for one more flawless 1.0 kd or higher gtag same as above.
306 titan looking for a team make a light house run not looking to carry have gone flawless in year 2
I'm a 312 war who's been flawless looking for others who have been flawless. Inv thedestroyer989.
309 blink hunter Looking for serious team players Gt same as above