Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
309 blink hunter Looking for serious team players Gt same as above
Lv 313 warlock gt skydrone92
309 titan Gt above Need 2
I've been flawless last week and twice this week, going again today for the final time. I am looking for 1 really good guy with good record to run trials. I am only looking to go flawless. I've been flawless 30+ times total and have every gun. I am running for fun and to kill some time. I am very good at sniping and I can also rush with a shot gun depending on the other team. I can adapt to your play style too. My kd isn't very good because I let my little boy play this game. You can always give me a test run to prove my self. If we not doing well as a team I will leave without any issues. I am not looking to carry anyone so please make sure that you and your teammate are good, as I don't want to play to loose. Make sure you been flawless and are able to communicate well. Message me if you want to run flawless. Gamer tags N0T0RI0UZ
312 warlock looking for a chill crew to try and go flawless. Won't be the end of the world if we don't make it but let's get it done. Send invite to hammers48
310 warlock looking for team GT FaILUr3 WHEN for invite
Juke Splash Looking for 2 people who have been year 2 flawless
310 warlock looking for 2 hit me up GT FaILUr3 WHEN
I have a 3 kd in trials, 2 kd overall, and a 50 dtr. Looking to help a good team of two to get to the lighthouse. Inv me gt same as above
300 Stormcaller looking to do bounties and looking to win! I'll play with anyone, just send me an invite. Gt=Korly
Need one must have above a 1.5 kd gt same message me
Top 1% in trials. Have a 2.3 kd. 82% win percentage. Looking for a 3rd with a 1.5 kd or better. Msg kd for inv. Gt same as above. Will check trials kd.
Need one must have above a 1.5 kd gt same message me
Looking for an experienced team. Flawless runs only. Msg me asap chiefxtenxbears I have Gone flawless year 2. No year 1 flawless players it's not the same.
308 hunter was flawless every week in year one have amazing pvp skills only looking for flawless team send invite to gt above
304 hammer titan lfg any shoot me inv jus want to do bounties
300 titan lf trials gt aa1924
313 titan by myself. Looking to join a group of two. Id like to go flawless but I really just want to get the bounties done. I went flawless in year 1. Shoot me an inv and Ill join up. GT: i3asik i3ish
READ BEFORE INVITING CAN ONLY SKYPE MIC IS NOT WORKING CAN I GET A -blam!-ING ELITE GROUP FOR TRIALS 6 teams I've been in and they are -blam!-ing just awful and I'm sick and tired of it MUST HAVE A 1.50KD OR HIGHER not one of you both of you must YOU can go right ahead and check my stats I am an elite player not looking to joke around. I am looking to go flawless, and flawless only. Gt- agnostic cynic REMEMBER YOU MUST HAVE A SKYPE TO TALK XBOX ONE
Top 4% in trails playing with followers helping them get bounties done and go to the lighthouse all you have to do is stop by the stream and drop a follow
Need 2 chill guardians for flawless run 305+ and can hold their own pls msg happy sniper for inv
306 Warlock, I am a good sniper I have gone 8 and 1 several time I just want to go 9 and 0. Message Elite Reactions for invite or just invite me.
310 Hunter Have been flawless y1 Have good weapons and callouts Looking for a good to to go flawless Inv Zbrems2
312 Hunter need 2 310+ for 9-0 run. Please only message if you're actually experienced at trials and have at least went flawless plenty in year one. Message on Xbox for inv. GT same as above
Just looking to finish up the bounties.
Both been flawless 2x this week just need 1 player that can hold their own and has already been flawless Message for invite Preferably self-res Ix Cian xI