Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need 2 with good kd trying to go flawless
Lv 313 warlock gt skydrone92
Need two I'm amazing just be able to hold your own Msg me for an inv
Looking for group to complete all quests for trials, just concerned to have a good time while completing quests. Gt: D3ADxINK
311 hunter Lf good pvp team Invite me Gt: ii420ii420ii
Need 2 for trials gt the same
Looking to do trials! Look at my k/d... If you need one more invite me! IGN: Topgun theGreat
310 sunsinger w/ quick revive Went flawless on my other two characters already, and trying to finish up with my warlock. Experienced with the map and a team player. Inv gt: DalDestructo if you've a confident group. Also I've no boons, and all out of coins, so I'll be going in bare bones.
Need 1 for FLAWLESS run. I have gone flawless before. Message: Brxnning
Need two for bounties No requirements no mic Message for inv
Need 1 for FLAWLESS run. I have gone flawless before. Message: Brxnning
Need one must have emblem
Need 1 experienced player to try and go flawless, GT same as above, message me for invite
311 warlock, I'm pretty good with a snipe Gt above. Let's go flawless!!
307 warlock trying to do bounties . I just ask to have fun I don't really care for flawless but will still try my best to win matches
Looking for one for trials
Need 1 person who are 305+ light and have been flawless multiple times and now how to snipe
310 Titan with ToM, Yasmin/TNBT(Crucible shotgun) and Quillums Terminus, GT: Orphan Dumpling. Invite if you have a good team with good gear, [b]LOOKING TO GO FLAWLESS[/b]
314 looking to grab some loot! Flawless would be nice but I'm a realist. Gt same as above send me a invite
Need one more for flawless run
Looking for one more for trials message IIM0NSTERMUNCH for inv
Need 2 people who are 305+ light and have been flawless multiple times and now how to snipe
Need 1 more for trials msg xTgx Terminal for an inv
Need 2 for trails who are good and have gone flawless. Must have positive kd thanks:)
Looking for 1 more for trials message IIM0NSTERMUNCH for inv
Need one for Trials of Osiris GT: ThetaBlade