Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need one for Trials of Osiris GT: ThetaBlade
Need one experienced pvp player For flawless run Gt Fariko messiah Msg me
Looking for a skilled dude out there looking to run some trials message stinkbug44 for trials
305 light ++ Looking for highly skilled players for a flawless run, or at the very minimum to get 7 wins. U must communicate very well with call outs and have a proper functioning headset. Would really like to have one very good sniper on the team. Im a 312 Titan sunbreaker, normal setup: pulse, shotgun, rockets. Gotten to 8-0 several times in year two but no flawless yet. Been flawless countless times in year 1. Message me in game for an invite Please include your class and light. Xbox one GT: Pure SkiLL Xx
Self rez warlock 1.5kd Have conspiracy theory D Have gone 8-0 Need 1 more Be a good sniper Gt amigosuper1
I've been flawless last week and twice this week, going again today for the final time. I am looking for 2 really good guys with good record to run trials. I am only looking to go flawless. I've been flawless 30+ times total and have every gun. I am running for fun and to kill some time. I am very good at sniping and I can also rush with a shot gun depending on the other team. I can adapt to your play style too. My kd isn't very good because I let my little boy play this game. You can always give me a test run to prove my self. If we not doing well as a team I will leave without any issues. I am not looking to carry anyone so please make sure that you and your teammate are good, as I don't want to play to loose. Make sure you been flawless and are able to communicate well. Message me if you want to run flawless. Gamer tags N0T0RI0UZ
Need 1 for trials flawless msg me on XBOX live for inv. please don't suck XD
eed one Looking to go flawless need a great sniper with a kd above 2.0 and has gone flawless before please be above 300
Looking for two people who have gone flawless before and must be able to carry their own weight message liier toasters for an invite
Looking to join people just to play. Gt craig ohanlon
Need 2 for flawless run, must have been flawless Y2/Y1 310+ ONLY Hold your own. Message me on Xbox for inv -iWilpo
Need 2 to go flawless prefer 309+ Xbox one
Looking to do bounties and go flawless plz be good
Need one to go flawless.
Need 1 really good person with a high kd lokking to go flawless my kd is 1.0. Gt same as above
Need 2 for trials looking to go flawless gt iijammerr ask for inv must have been flawless yr 2 doing this without any boons hard-core :--
305 hunter, looking for a team to go flawless! Invite xHarrisonnn
Need 1 for trials gt the same
Need 2 to go flawless prefer 309+ Xbox one
Need 2 for flawless experienced msg me for inv
Need 1 more trying to go flawless hold your own don't be a fag that gets angry we went flawless before gt RG Guarin u don't have to be 310 like those other fags say
Need 2 for a flawless run Be decent in trials Message TheUndeadSlug
Anybody willing to help carry me through to flawless? I'm pretty good at destiny pve. but I'm not really good at crucible. I'm not in it for light boosting or weapon advantage, I just really love the cosmetics on the guns and armor. (shader would be nice too) so if u know you can wreck in trials with your arms tied behind your back and got room for an extra guardian in need send, me a message I wanna see that lighthouse! Boohoo7 is my gamer tag on xbox one
Need one for flawless run must have been flawless year one message me for inv same as gt need a hunter
#lfg to run bounties, not trying to go flawless or go super try hard. Send message @ angrypup459519 304 warlock
Looking for an experienced team. Flawless runs only. Msg me asap chiefxtenxbears I have Gone flawless year 2. No year 1 flawless players it's not the same.