Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need one for flawless trials 296+ light Can pull our own weight Want someone who can dominate Need to be cool and have mic Message gt above for invite
Need two to go flawless Must be 310+ Must have emblem Must have good communications
need 2 for flawless run. I have been flawless numerous times top 3% on destiny tracker send me a message if you are a decent player above 308 I will check stats
Need 1 for flawless run must be 305+ and hold your own msg aweier02 for invite
Self rez warlock 1.5kd Have conspiracy theory D Have gone 8-0 Need team of similiar skill Gt amigosuper1 Inv me
Need 1 for trials message MaxZerOreZ for invite
Need 2 for flawless run. I am a 316 warlock and have gone flawless in year 2 3 times. Must have gon flawless in year 2.
Need 2 305+ must have a 1.15 or better or be really good if not u will get kicked message evilsquirrl61
315 hunter lf team
Looking for one more for trials FLAWLESS RUN
Need 1 for trials
311 Hunter experienced Looking for 2 more asskickers All I ask is that you carry your own weight +305 (At least) Looking to try to go flawless but also have fun Message for invite GT: You Provoke Me
Looking for two good casual players for trials No elitist losers Please be above average aha Let's have some fun and a laugh and destroy some sweaties Message quietcolt869716 for inv
Lf two for flawless must be good at sniper
Need 2 310+ For trials Message me for invite or invite me gt fakexnoobsniper
313 warlock sunsinger send invite
Looking for some people who wants to go flawless have a 1.2+ and be chill I will check and let's enjoy the game lmao
Need two for trials msg above
312 titan looking for a good team straight up I need to go flawless on 2nd character GT FaILUr3 WHEN
Looking for one person. Fun run maybe flawless gt same as above for invite
Need one more, need to have a good k/d I will check but Msg for invite Gt same as above
Need strong team to play with! Message dextex to join!
If you need one invite me Lt Absul
305 light ++ Looking for highly skilled players for a flawless run, or at the very minimum to get 7 wins. U must communicate very well with call outs and have a proper functioning headset. Would really like to have one very good sniper on the team. Im a 312 Titan sunbreaker, normal setup: pulse, shotgun, rockets. Gotten to 8-0 several times in year two but no flawless yet. Been flawless countless times in year 1. Message me in game for an invite Please include your class and light. Xbox one GT: Pure SkiLL Xx
Need 1 for flawless run, message SharpShooter i4
Need to for flawless 297+ be willing to care gt same as above