Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need 1 308+ for flawless Gt above
315 warlock Primary: Hawksaw Secondary: 1000 yard-stare/ invective Heavy: Harrowed Qullim's Terminus Looking for a team that has been flawless at least once in year Two. Flawless: I've been flawless 30+ times in year one, and went flawless 3 times last week. If you need another player invite me.
Looking for a highly perspiring sweaty team. 309 hunter who is looking for a quick run. I snipe.
Need 1 more for trials for a flawless run. Gt: Lately ill
Need one for trials 295+ looking to make a flawless run so be good at crucible.
Looking for serious flawless team, gone 8-1 twice this week ;-; Inv gt same as name
Looking for serious flawless team, gone 8-1 twice this week ;-; Inv gt same as name
Looking for a team to go flawless. Idc if you have been flawless or not just be able to hold your own. Gt same as above
Need 1 for fun and bounties gt is same
Need 2 for TOO. Gt same as above. Message for invte
311 Titan looking for a trials team Invite me Gt above
Need 2 for TOO. Gt same as above. Message for invte
I'm a 304 hunter I have been flawless on my warlock looking to go again plz inv I want to win
312 warlock with hawksaw , got year 1 flawless . send invite please
Lf fun game to do bounties gt is same
315 warlock Primary: Hawksaw Secondary: 1000 yard-stare/ invective Heavy: Harrowed Qullim's Terminus Looking for a team that has been flawless at least once in year Two. Flawless: I've been flawless 30+ times in year one, and went flawless 3 times last week. If you need another player invite me.
Need 1 for trials msg Baird773 Must carry your own
Looking for a player that has gone flawless and its experience on trials I've have gone flawless must have emblem I'm a 313 hunter gamertag ItZxInSaNexXt
Im Lil John 1.6kd competitive Looking for flawless
Edited by XxZiGGitYxX: 11/7/2015 7:59:56 PMNeed one for trials. Be 310+ light.
Need 2 good players who have being flawless before to go to the light house with. I've being flawless. Msg ReacT ReaperZ on xbox one for an invite
Edited by Im Lil John: 11/7/2015 7:57:14 PM
297 Hunter Good with snipper and shotty 1.44 Kd flawless (15x) year one Gt same as above (o in Johnny is a zero) Looking to go flawless with players with similar stats.
315 warlock Primary: Hawksaw Secondary: 1000 yard-stare/ invective Heavy: Harrowed Qullim's Terminus Looking for a team that has been flawless at least once in year Two. Flawless: I've been flawless 30+ times in year one, and went flawless 3 times last week. If you need another player invite me.
Need 1 to go flawless, no scrubs will be checking kd and must have y2 emblem. Message gt above
Experienced guardian looking for flawless team I have been to the lighthouse many times Playing as 305 gunslinger with sniper and quick revive. Send me an invite GT:turtledaddy69