Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
307 titan looking to trials don't have to go flawless just need to finish bountys and get today's drops message Grim Mayan only inv. If your serious player only if I find myself carrying you I'm leaving plz be of equal skill or better
Need 1. If your serious kool if not then kool
314 Titan. Message Alwayson1wheel
Invite me 303 self res warlock very good looking to go flawless I have hawksaw and 1000 yard stare I have a mic gamer tag : xTH1NxBEASTx
Edited by CamelRhyme60991: 11/7/2015 5:49:45 AMWant to go flawless. 306 lock self res with light beyond and 1000 yard. Invite me.
A 308 lock Trials bounties Will try for flawless if team is legit otherwise just for fun.... and bounties.
305+ going flawless for a friend on his acc in 317 on my acc and i want to go flawless on his
313* monster sniper 309* experienced hunter Looking for 1 more player that: Is very experienced and not looking for carries Wants to go to the lighthouse Has a mic Calls out frequently Knows how to stay alive
Lfg 304 hunter, looking for a good group I want to go flawless running nirwens mercy and 1k stare, invite superbad150
Lvl 301 Sunbreaker Looking for a group. Only ever made 5 wins if anyone can help. Gt: money73
306t looking for a team, invite themanondacouch
308 warlock looking to go flawless my first attempt at year 2 flawless(use to go flawless weekly on old trials) looking to join a skilled group that is looking seriously go flawless gt kingtee544
Need 1 for trials almost been to lighthouse. Looking for someone half way decent good guns and just want to kill some shit. Message Twist3d HavoC
Only if your going to 9/0 or don't inv me Nerwins, theory d/ chaperone, harrowed elulim's Sunsinger warlock INV: Sing Bee
306 hunter went flawless last week looking to join two flawless players for 9-0. Gt above
Need 2 for a flawless run , 300+ and can communicate msg me for invite gt same
306t looking for a team, invite themanondacouch
2 Rank 50 Trials Players 2.78 K/d and 2.05 K/d. looking for one Player 2.0 K/D+ be cooperative and have mic. Message Recon Robot
Need 2 for flawless run Must have year 2 flawless emblem Must have a positive kd Must be good Message Fanta zT for invite
Looking for one more have two hunters now 305 and 308 msg gt above looking for flawless
Kingsfall hard fresh 310+ msg me on xbox for inv.
Need 1 for flawless run trials. Me and my fireteam have went flawless multiple times in year 2 and also in year 1. Looking for someone who has gone flawless in year 2, 310+ light and has a good kd. Msg gt above only if you have these things.
Need two more people for trials, send me a message on xbox one, GT: KILLINxMACHINEx I think my name fits my skill level nicely ;)
Anyone wanna farm passage coins
Need a team for trails I'm a decent snipers can definitely carry my own weight. Just trying to go flawless 313 Titan. Inv or leave gt I'll message
Looking for 2 guardians to play Trials of Osiris with. I mainly just want to get the bounties done. Msg gt above for invite.