Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need a team for trials hmu can only hear from my mic
Need 1 person who is is experienced and can carry their own weight for trials must have been flawless once in year 2. We re gonna get to the lighthouse. Message AGL Brawler for invite
Need one preferably Titan
Need two more people for trials, send me a message on xbox one, GT: KILLINxMACHINEx I think my name fits my skill level nicely ;)
Need 1 more, me and friend looking for a skilled player. We have already been flalwess twice
314 hunter looking to join a team for flawless must have been flawless year 2 if not dont invite me. I have been flawless 3 times last week and once this week. Invite me SoF iHunter
312 hunter looking to finish flawless card inv duckhog21
I am a beast at crucible!! Nuff said. Im helping people with trials to go 9-0 . I will also be streaming at so hit me up in chat for an inv.we have good laughs and fun.if you like the stream hit that favorite button
Looking to join a team for flawless . 311 hunter . Invite xXCarRamRodXx12
304 Warlock invite elysian messiah
314 hunter looking to join a team for flawless must have been flawless year 2 if not dont invite me. I have been flawless 3 times last week and once this week. Invite me SoF iHunter
Need 2 305+ to go flawless Requirements- must have been flawless in the past, have a mic, and have experience. Message CosmicPoohBear for invite
I am a beast at crucible!! Nuff said. Im helping people with trials to go 9-0 . I will also be streaming at so hit me up in chat for an inv.we have good laughs and fun.if you like the stream hit that favorite button
308 Hunter, quick revive, good communicator and have been flawless in year 1 and 2 with emblems to prove it. Looking for a group that can communicate and strategize well. GT TUTTERSALAD
Looking for one. Flawless would be nice but if not so be it. Join in, have some fun. Remember, it's just a game :)
Need 2 really good players with a +1.1 kd and have been flawless in year 2 i will be checking Msg Psions r Jerks
!!READ EVERYTHING please 310 Titan LF really REALLY good trials team willing to carry a decent noob Invite me Gt STATIC SH0CKK (My mic might have talking issues because Microsoft is stupid but I can hear everything fine)
314 hunter Need 2 for trials of osiris Light 305 or higher welcome Lookin to go flawless. SERIOUS PLAYERS ONLY GT is same Message for inv
need one for flawless
Need 1 for flawless need to be good and experienced abke to jold their own... message ITNTI LOMBARDI
Top 1 % trials player on destinytracker. Looking to join legit good flawless squad. GT Thehillman8er
Warlock 304 for trials invite elysian messiah
Need 1 that can hold his own. Xbox one
Gunslinger Hunter looking for a trials team. Gt TheFatNarwhal26
Need 1 for trials RUNNING BOUNTIES NOT FLAWLESS Message EagleofShadows1
!!READ EVERYTHING please 310 Titan LF really REALLY good trials team willing to carry a decent noob Invite me Gt STATIC SH0CKK (My mic might have talking issues because Microsoft is stupid but I can hear everything fine)