Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
I need 2 for a flawless run. I have a 1.28kd on my character and want to win. I'm chill and dislike raging. Gt ShutRanger. Message me.
297 sunsinger warlock looking to do osiris, serious player wanting to complete bounties and win as much as possible. I really wanna try and go flawless first time ever and need help bad. Invite ExoNinjaTitan i have a mic
Need one more for Light house run. Have two experienced 9-0 in here 300+ Message me at TO1 Millz
Need 1 for good jest trying to have complete bountys..may be go flawless if we can work good together
301 hunter Nightstalker subclass Looking to join and play competitively as well as staying positive msg L NovaDose L to inv
GT: Thierry0011 Need one more for Trials Message for invite
Need one for flawless
need 2 for some relaxed trials reply with gt for invite
Need one more flawless message for invite
INVITE ME Looking to mess around on Trials. Need more Passage Coins 311 Hunter GT: Xpyder Byt
314 hunter looking for flawless team. Make sure you've been flawless a few times this year before you invite me. Pick between shotgun and sniper. None of that "i can do both" crap cause we all know you cant do both 100% of the time. Play your hardest. Invite L Gagnier L7L
hi looking for two other for trials am a 313 hunter nightstalker have 320 defiance of yasmine and 320 quilums termins and 307 bad juju or 310 suprecell thanks for reading Idun3012 GT:Idun3012
314 titan looking to go flawless. Can hold my own. [b]NEED A GOOD AND SERIOUS TEAM!!![/b] Gt ^
Looking for one more to go flawless 308+ 1.4 k/d+ message for invite. Gt: Extra Exoitc
Need a team gt same as above. 300 titan with red death and shotty
306 Titan here looking for a squad to go to the lighthouse. I went several times in year one and need a squad to go in year 2. Im an excellent sniper and have all the experience in the world in any crucible game. Only invite me if your serious and know how to get to the lighthouse on the first card then dont invite me. GT KoS Shreader. DONT WASTE MY TIME
Looking for 1 300 msg me for invite
Have gone flawless. Invite me, 308ish Titan with hammers.
Looking to mess around on Trials. Need more Passage Coins 311 Hunter GT: Xpyder Byt
309 Hunter with a chaperone and a 1000-yard stare looking to have have fun and try for trials. Don't inv unless 300+
Flawless player (y1) looking for a good group to go flawless with can hold my own GT same as above
309 hunter. Want to go flawless but I'm not gonna get super angry about it. Would prefer to be invited by 2 good guardians
Need 1 player for trials gt same as above
Just looking for a chill team to get these bounties done on my 3rd character already went flawless once today now just trying to do these so message GT above for invite
I need 2 for a flawless run. I have a 1.28kd on my character and want to win. I'm chill and dislike raging. Gt ShutRanger. Message me.
Gamer tag is same as above Sunsinger warlock Light:291 Hawksaw Invective MG4 I'm good at medium and close ranger mostly and have almost a 2.0 in rumble. I need a good team cus I'm tired have trying to carry my two friends -.- Just looking for a fun and decent group of players to grind gear with.