Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need one good player to go flawless message for inv GT above
!!READ EVERYTHING please 310 Titan LF really really good trials team willing to carry Invite me Gt STATIC SH0CKK (My mic might have talking issues because Microsoft is corrupt but I can hear everything fine)
Need one more, 310+ only. MSG - whip medic
311 hunter looking to join team for flawless - msg GT for invite
Need 2 of the best for flawless I don't want to carry
314 hunter looking for flawless team. Make sure you've been flawless a few times this year before you invite me. Pick between shotgun and sniper. None of that "i can do both" crap cause we all know you cant do both 100% of the time. Play your hardest. Invite L Gagnier L7L
311 Titan looking for a good team invite me
Need 1 for bounties
Edited by DunderMPaperCo: 11/7/2015 3:11:08 AMNeed 1 308+ for fun run flawless would be cool but not gonna get pissy if we don't go
Need team msg gt above for invite
Edited by maga nacho: 11/7/2015 3:10:56 AMneed 1 that can hold they're own weight message philsherr for invite
Need 2 for flaw plz be good and you won't be sorry just reply also don't reply if you have under 1.0 kd
need one more for trials
Lvl 313 blade dancer looking to play trials first time in year 2 But I went flawless in year one 15+ times Gt: highass ninja
309 Titan looking for flawless team I have positive kd and am very good in trials only looking for a skilled team to go flawless with same gt as above
312 hunter looking for team went flawless last week
Need two people that has beaten trials year two send message for inv gt above
310 warlock looking to join a team need a extra hmu
Looking for a flawless group, must be the required light and have Skype because Xbox party chat sucks!! Gt same as above
Need one more, 310+ only. MSG - whip medic
Could really use some help. 1 that's good with a sniper would be much appreciated. Msg GT above for inv.
313 hunter looking for a team. Trying to go flawless. Send inv or message to BaneofallFools
[quote]Warlock 298 sunsinger and 299 hunter gunslinger looking for a 295 light warlock at least looking to go flawless tonight gt is xiOracle 6
Need 2 who have a 1.6 kd or higher like me. Msg arabboyswag for inv
Need 1 just for fun
310 hunter looking for flawless I've been flawless 3 times year 2 and looking for another message NO BIGGE please be same light and same skill