Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Looking for two to run Trials. Running my 308 Lock Gt: Paskode
Looking for 1 skilled player to join in trials run! Message me in game
Looking to go flawless 312 Hunter.
Inv Blk Cyclones only have y1 flawless emblem for now but I'm good.
READ EVERYTHING please 310 Titan LF great and bored trials team willing to carry Invite me Gt STATIC SH0CKK (My mic might have talking issues because Microsoft is corrupt but I can hear everything fine)
311 Titan
Need 2 a Titan sun breaker and a warlock selfres must carry there own weight or kicked going flawless 16+
Need 1 for trails. Going flawless. Must be 31o and have gone to lighthouse. Msg with light and class.
Gone flawless three times last week trying to do it again this week inv me I'm a 315 warlock
306 hunter Need 2 people must have been flawless many times in year 1 or 2 305+ light No exceptions, and must be skilled and I repeat BE SKILLED Msg Light and class Have good weapons
Need a god tier player for trials GT:Creative HD
311 lock looking to run trials Have y2 emblem Inv me
Need 2 for 9-0 run. Must have new emblem. Must be 310+. Msg moneymonkey1999 for invite
Assembling flawless team. 1.6 KD plus. I'm 1.75 and 314 light, went 3 times in 4 cards last week. Let's do this shit
311 titan. Need 2 more bountys and 9-0.
Need 1 that is 300+ and doesnt -blam!- around
Inv Blk Cyclones only have y1 flawless emblem for now but I'm good.
Need 1 solid player that has experience and has been flawless if you don't have any of these things you will get kicked
Edited by TheNikeProdigy: 11/7/2015 2:55:06 AMNeed 1 more to flawless we've already been flawless today just need another good person
300 Titan great in clutch situations been flawless numerous times in yr1 I know how to communicate. I need 2 with same qualities for flawless run msg gt^^
Looking to go flawless 312 Hunter.
Need two more who have gone flawless in year two msg or inv me gt same hardcore snipers preferred
Log 309 warlock. Inv me just tryna have fun but playing to win
Need 1 for trails. Going flawless. Must be 31o and have gone to lighthouse. Msg with light and class.
READ EVERYTHING please 310 Titan LF great and bored trials team willing to carry Invite me Gt STATIC SH0CKK (My mic might have talking issues because Microsoft is corrupt but I can hear everything fine)
Need someone who is skilled and knows how to communicate