Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
I need 1 person who has gone flawless this yea and has a 1.5 k/d or higher we will b checking if you don't have any of these requirements you will be kicked right away
Need 2 more guardians who are experienced in multiplayer message gt same as about
Nees one for flawless no donks Gt-phantomhero
Looking for a Trials Team... 306 Hunter, KD of 1.2. Not gone Flawless in 1,2 yet, as was working last weekend. Did Flawless in year 1 though. GT - Primeattack
Need 1, me and my buddy have both been flawless 5 times, and we are both above 300. Msg- XK Reflex 1T For invite. 297+
TRIALS: ((PROS WANTED ONLY)) NEED 1 300+ must be very experienced already got 2 titans msg ingame for inv
Need one for Trials Bounties. Looking to have fun. Message PunkB101 in game.
Need one more ! Make sure you've been flawless a few times this year before you invite me. Pick between shotgun and sniper. None of that "i can do both" crap cause we all know you cant do both 100% of the time. Play your hardest. Invite L Gagnier L7L
310 Titan. Looking to just get some bounties done and have a good time. Please invite. No mic Sirpiteroth
Need 2 for quick flawless run. Must be 310+ and have year 2 flawless emblem. Message WhiskeryTitan05 for invite.
315 Titan lookin for a team message LLLLerror978
311 hunter looking for team inv me tag is godxsentxm3
Looking for skilled player with: Mic Good communication Emblem 1.00+ K.D Crest of alpha lupi/light beyond nemesis Chill and no ragequitters
Need 2 for trails m8 be gr8
RANKED #15 IN THE WORLD IN TRIALS! HELPING GUARDIANS GO FLAWLESS 9-0! Hurry! Don't message, just come to stream! :)
1.4 kd Flawless 3x last week Flawless 1x today Looking to join team for quick flawless run. Invite me.
308 warlock... good player gt: Martsiah
Pls invite me need a team
Need one more for trials Bee 305+ light msg for inv Denis 86 One
Edited by Sniep: 11/7/2015 1:14:07 AMClosed
1.4 kd Flawless 3x last week Flawless 1x today Looking to join team for quick flawless run. Invite me.
Hunter with 305 light looking to get loot Gt:same as above inv
306 Titan, fast revive. Need team, INV GT^
312 titan looking for flawless team. I've been flawless. Invite kevster402
Edited by XxCLUTCHxXGoD: 11/7/2015 1:11:22 AM307 ns hunter looking to go flawless once again this week msg gt above
Looking for 2 305+ light, want to go flawless also do bounties along the way, message me GT is G C G Phenom