Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need 2 Who can hold their own
Looking for 2 players that are looking to go flawless.. no scrubs send msg or party inv deriam21
315 warlock in the top 3% for trials and has been flawless twice in y2. looking for a team or 2 more people who have been flawless
Need one amazing trials pro to help me get flawless Message superdude056 for inv Kd would be great to know
Need 1 more for flawless run 1.4 KD and up GT ItsSapphire x
RANKED #15 IN THE WORLD IN TRIALS! HELPING GUARDIANS GO FLAWLESS 9-0! Hurry! Don't message, just come to stream! :)
309 hunter looking for a team to go flawless Message if your in Gt chowder530
Need 1 for Trials msg the tennis dude for invite MUST HAVE BEEN FLAWLESS AND WE ARE GOING FLAWLESS
313 Hunter All the cool weapons Probably going to run blade dancer to help revive and destroy I am still getting 'better' but good at crucible. Good team player and just want to have fun and do the bounties. Hmu Xbox1
Need 2 people that are 307 or higher and have year 2 flawless emblem. Gt is same as above
Two expirenced FPS players looking for one more. Message Geez Louis for Inv (We are both titans)
Looking to get absolutely carried to the lighthouse by 2 AWESOME players. I will average between 0-3 kills a match, but I will bring comedic value to the team. I'm pretty sweet at revives too. Message randyb4123
Need 2 people that are 307 or higher and have year 2 flawless emblem. Gt is same as above
Need 2 people who are 300+ and know how to COMMUNICATE and who like to have a good time. Trying to flawless let's get this done! Gt same as user
Need 1 fur trials msg gt MadDuckButter for inv
Need 1 gt above
Need 1 for trials. Top 3% only pls
315 warlock looking for 2 that don't suck
Need one that holds own weight. Seriously msg GT for I inv if you wanna go to the light house.
Need 1 300+ must have been flawless 3 times and fast res must hold own
I need 2 people for trials that have already been flawless in y2 Emblem is required for proof message superdude056 your k.d and I will inv you
309 hunter looking for a team to go flawless Message if your in Gt chowder530
Going 9and 0 mesaage for inv
303 hunter looking for a fireteam. Need a skilled fireteam! Message me on Xbox One for invite: swinecult
Looking for 2 to do trials been flawless plenty of times! Plz be good add me same name as top one
305+ Titan looking to run trials good communication and teamwork would like to go flawless but content with finishing bounties message LG Luckster