Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
305+ Titan looking to run trials good communication and teamwork would like to go flawless but content with finishing bounties message LG Luckster
1.33 kd with 42dtr. Need 2 with similar stats 1.3kd+ message for inv will check stats
Need one experienced player with 300+ light and a mic.
314 Warlock Need a team to go flawless MUST have flawless emblem
Need one. Not trying too hard go flawless, mainly playing for the bounties. Message for invite, gamertag: Its Jwebster
Need 2 people that are 305 or higher and have year 2 flawless emblem. Gt is same as above
311 Hunter solid player when around a solid team. Gt same message light and class
Need 1 310+ for flawless. Be good. Msg: xiniiii
Need 2 Who can hold their own
Need one
Need one to finish up a card. Lost at 7-0, trying to finish bounties. Message GT: AsparagusSoup
315 warlock in the top 3% for trials and has been flawless twice in y2. looking for a team or 2 more people who have been flawless
Need 1. Trials decent skills message cazm493
Need one for flawless run, must know how to work with a team 300+ message gt: nullmilk356
Need one to finish up a card. Lost at 7-0, trying to finish bounties. Message GT: AsparagusSoup
Need one for Trials Bounties. Looking to have fun. Message PunkB101 in game.
Need 1 for bounties. Gt above.
Need 1 for trials. Just be a decent player and don't rage quit. We have been flawless year 2. Message gt above.
Need two 311+ for flawless. Please have Y2 flawless and no more scrubs please. Not carrying anymore. GT same.
Need two 311+ for flawless. Please have Y2 flawless and no more scrubs please. Not carrying anymore. GT same.
Need 2 people that are 305 or higher and have year 2 flawless emblem. Gt is same as above
Need one for trials 305+ Gt: Beyond Falcon
Need two trials: -must be 310+ -have have year two emblem -must have red death, nirwens mercy, or any good primary -must be ultra sweaty -don't be shit or i will kick -NO SQUEAKERS
Need 2 Who can hold their own
Lv301 Titan looking for a trials team I haven't been flawless before but I have some skill gt Mindception Man
Need 1 for trials. Been flawless y1 or 2. Must communicate and be team player.