Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need 1 for trials. Been flawless y1 or 2. Must communicate and be team player.
Need one more for flawless message me for invite
2 flawless runners looking for one more to go to the lighthouse. Message me
309 warlock looking for a trials team Invite me Gt above
Need a team to run trials. For goodness sake it is hard to find good help. I'm a master jumper and kicker lmao
Need 2 people looking to go flawless plz be good at trials and communication msg KiCkbutt2761 for invite.THX
Looking for 2 that have been flawless in yr 1 and 2 306+ gt above msg for inv
Need 1 for flawless run. Dont message if you suck or have bad internet. Be able to make plays. Message for inv gt same as above.
Need 2 for trials run message me for invite . Come on with it
Need two for flawless attempt. Must have positive KD and above 300 light. No little kids. Message me on live for invite.
304 Titan looking to complete bounties. GT: Moopeh
310 Titan. Need 1 for bountys.
Need one more 312+ for flawless. Msg flowseidon22 for inv
299 warlock looking to do bounties and have some fun
I'm a 311 warlock I need 2 high level guardians that are good at pvp with good weapons and communications for a flawless run send a invite on Xbox one if you need a extra guy my gamer tags the same as the name above ^^^^^
Need 2 people looking to go flawless plz be good at trials and communication msg KiCkbutt2761 for invite.THX
Need 1 310+ message SnapSnap2002
Need 2 must be good and at least gone flawless in year 1 gt above must have a mic
Need 1 310+ message SnapSnap2002
I need 2 people for trials that have already been flawless in y2 Emblem is required for proof message superdude056 your k.d and I will inv you
Need 2 Who can hold their own
Looking to join people who are doing bounties . Inv me. Gt The Nati 1
Need 1 for 3rd flawless today, I'm top 4%, other is top 1%. must be in at least the top 10% of trials with a minimum kd of 1.4 Message gt as above for invite.
Xbox One Gamertag: HERBN ASSASSIN 305 Warlock Would like to go flawless but not a necessity
Need 1 I have gone 9-0 friend has gone 8-0 we need someone else who has been 9-0 have enabled message orka25
304 Titan looking to complete bounties. GT: Moopeh