Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need 1 310+ must have experience msg GT as above
Gt: FunnierTangent9 311 Hunter. Got alpha lupi
312 titan need 2 for flawless run. Went flawless on all 3 last week. Must have 1.3+ KD. Msg GT: Cosmic Catnips
Need 2 for bounties not going try hard or anything just for fun message for invite
Two Players with 3 wins on card (teammate left) With Mercy still availble. help us go flawless!
Need 2 310+ Looking to win Message me for invite or invite me gt fakexnoobsniper
Lfg 305 warlock good weapons
312 Warlock Looking For A Team I Went Flawless On All 3 Guys Last Week Inv Me, Gt Same As Name
Light 315 lock LF 310+ team. I have pvp gear (including 307 hacksaw) GT: DIRTY285
314 titan Flawless player Looking for a team of exp flawless players inv no scrubs please thanks Gt. AO6 BULLET
314 titan Flawless player Looking for a team of exp flawless players inv no scrubs please thanks Gt. AO6 BULLET
Need 1 for trials 300+ located in America to avoid lag
307 Titan want to go to the light house GT ABOVE
Need 1 message itz isolo
Need one for bounties. Msg me on xb1 gt as above. Requirements: bad kd, crappy at pvp.
Looking for 2 to go flawless must be over 305 light and have to Ben flawless before message me on xbox for invite
Lf1 more 305+ Need Osiris k/d of at least 1.2 Looking to go flawless Msg for invite Gt: Afruse
Need one more good player with 1.3kd+ Don't care about lighthouse because it yields nothing we need anymore, so playing for fun. Message Optimus Rooks
Need 2 for trials, only doing bounties, not going for flawless yet
Looking for a team with experience that have gone flawless and emblem I'm a 314 hunter gamertag ItZxInSaNexXt
Need 2 people looking to go flawless plz be good at trials and communication msg KiCkbutt2761 for invite.THX
Looking for a team to do bounties Msg sidthekid2800 for inv
311 lock looking for flawless I have emblem. I use snipes
Titan Sunbreaker light 308 Lfg trials. Good weapons Gt. Xaxoguepardo
Need 2 for trials flawless Gt Ida5465 please have exp
Titan looking for a team to join, rolling with crest, GT: SweatyKitty132