Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Chill team for trials , gt A1 Talented J1
Need 2 for trials ¥must have mic and communicate well¥ ¥300+ light¥ ¥be good at sniping¥ Gamertag is the same, if you're bad you get kicked
Need 1 msg for inv
309 Warlock looking for two to go flawless. Not joining a group. If you don't have 9 coins and fresh don't bother.
Lf1 more 305+ Need Osiris k/d of at least 1.2 Looking to go flawless Msg for invite Gt: Afruse
NEED 2 for court of oryx tier 2 or 3. XB1 same GT
309 warlock looking for a trials team Invite me Gt above
308 hunter looking for a team. I'm no pro but I can hold my own.
Need 1 more for flawless run 1.4 KD and up GT ItsSapphire x
Need 2 people must have been flawless many times in year1 305+ light No exceptions, and must be skilled Msg Light and class
Need one really good player to go flawless. Our team is good. Must have y2 emblem Gt^
Subreaker Titan. Need a trails team. Send me a game inv. Gt: kpino2008
301 light sunsinger warlock Went flawless y1 now going for y2 No noobs need 1 Gt:kingbube msg me
Need 2 300+ with a 1.5 or higher trials K/D. I will be checking online before inviting. Message in game for invite Gt Syntax 8
Need one guardian to complete bounties and try to win just asking for over 300
Need 1 more person for flawless run need to have been to lighthouse once Msg obey striker
Looking for 300+ guardian. No kids or bad attitudes. Message for invite. Please have positive kd
Need 2 for trials, only doing bounties, not going for flawless yet
Need 2 people Don't need mics Just going for bounties
Need 1 for flawless
Buck status is gt I'm a 307 titan striker looking for two others trying to go flawless tonight be online in about thirty Mina or less so if interested let me know and I can message or invite soon as back to my controller
Need one more for flawless run. Message for invite
Looking to go flawless invite me gt: tjrugby12
Need 1 310+ We are 312 and 314 Looking to have fun and winning is the funniest thing Message me for invite or invite me gt fakexnoobsniper
Need 1 player 300+ with mic. GT is Seedes
Need 2 for trials must have a good trials kd and went flawless before must have good pvp weapons be able to hold your own