Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need 2 for trials must have a good trials kd and went flawless before must have good pvp weapons be able to hold your own
Need one. Don't suck. Gt sane
303 hunter looking for a fireteam. Need a skilled fireteam! Message me on Xbox One for invite: swinecult
need 1 for bounties nothing serious gt above
Need 1 very extravagant guardian that has a high skill and has been flawless in year 2. But here is the kicker you need to know the map and we shall evaluate you before we start so send messages to clearout pro
301 light sunsinger warlock Went flawless y1 now going for y2 Can carry my own, no noobs Gt:kingbube inv
Need one more for trials 305+ good kd has exp with trials message mrryujin for inv
Need one (just for bounties) have a low light level in the group. GT is same as above
311 golden hunter lf trials team for fun. Not looking to go flawless but if it happens, awesome! Would like to be able to chat and strategize but again, just looking to have fun since I'm newer to trials. I'll be rocking red death, conspiracy/1kstare, and terminus Tag above
Gt: FunnierTangent9 311 Hunter. Got alpha lupi
301 light sunsinger warlock Went flawless y1 now going for y2 Can carry my own, no noobs Gt:kingbube inv
305 Titan looking for 2 strong people.
Need 1 more for trials 310+, be able to hold own, message me on xbox for invite gt same as above
Need one more for trials 305+ good kd has exp with trials message mrryujin for inv
Need one guardian looking for flawless We have both been flawless multiple times and expect the same from you. Don't care about your light level Message angrycub7120602 for invite
Need two for flawless run. Must have positive k/d and have y1 or y2 emblem. Message for inv. I'm not trying to carry anyone.
312 hunter looking to complete bounties don't inv if you are trying super hard to get flawless gt is same
Need two more who have gone flawless in year two msg or inv me gt same
Need 2 for trials flawless Gt Ida5465 please have exp
Need 2 people for trials. 305+ and no kids. Send message
305 Titan looking for 2 strong people.
Need 2. 296 sunsinger. Invite or msg me.
315 hunter, have flawless in year one and year two. Gt same
I'm a 305 Titan who has gone flawless in y1 looking to do it y2
Invite me please
308 hunter need 2 for trials of Osiris