Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
I have new Emblem need 2 more that also have it for a flawless run Message me on XBOX for INV GT. Same as above.
305 light hunter flawless Looking for team GT: MacG6000
Need 2 for flawless must be 310+ msg for inv gt same
305 hunter looking for 2 chill players for bounties and wherever else the road takes us, GT is PotterGaz :)
Need 1 more for trials. Must be able to carry your own weight otherwise kicked. Im top 5% in trials so as long as we all play well we should go flawless no problem! GT: FeaR Xer0 (with a zero)
Need one for flawless run must have 309 light or higher and have been flawless year 2 message bloodhavoc456 for invite
flawless year one looking for a chill group I have no requirements but -be funny -no rage -pull own weight message HardcoreKid1101 if interested
311 warlock lookong to join a trials team. Anna finish my bounties then go for flawless
Need 2 for flawless run. Must have been flawless in year 2 and have emblem to prove it also be 310+ MSG me for invite GT same as above
Need 2 for flawless run. Must have been flawless in year 2 and have emblem to prove it also be 310+ MSG me for invite GT same as above
Need 1 more for trials. MUST carry your own weight otherwise kicked. Im top 5% in trials so if we all communicate and play well we should go flawless no problem. Been flawless 2 already today. GT: FeaR Xer0 (with a zero)
Edited by Sud0F1nch: 11/6/2015 11:11:27 PMCould use a good two man for trials. Avg k/d is 1.5~ I use high impact snipers and hand cannons. Can hold my own once I'm a few good games in. Currently warming up in skirmish. Xbox one. Gamer tag is Sud0F1nch add invite or message I'm 23. Not a squeaker. Decent skill. Team player.
Invite me gt above 313 hunter
Need one for trials msg Gt above
flawless year one looking for a chill group I have no requirements but -be funny -no rage -pull own weight message HardcoreKid1101 if interested
[quote]*******Dîck head post Incoming******* Been flawless over 50 times, looking for a fun run. Need someone who's been flawless multiple times. Obviously, you need to have max weapons, and be lvl 40 with good light. - if you can snipe, then that'll be good. Let me know. Mic, also needed, duh. I'm looking for a highly skilled player who can follow basic instructions, and is a massive team player. So, message me on Xbox with your class. No scrubs, and no squeakers... Thank you. Let's go, Guardians![/quote] Must be a titan
Invite gt above 312 warlock
Need one sunbreaker Titan 310+ light for flawless run. Must have flawless emblem from Y2. Msg CONNOR from BSP for INV.
looken for a team gt:Creationz831 invite me warlock 308
Need a group (308 hunter) I've gone flawless before inv me gt same as above
looken for a team gt:Creationz831 invite me warlock 308
Edited by RBK ZOMBIEKILLA: 11/6/2015 11:08:48 PMNeed 1 more for a team 300+ just don't suck message RKO SLOTH
Need 1 that has been year 2 flawless message qualitypain for invite we are going flawless
Free agent for flawless
311 Titan looking to do flawless, invite Ztrafey
Need 1 more for flawless run gt same as above. Plz be a good player