Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need two titans must be good no scrubs for flawless message broadcalf677526
Need 2 300+ gt same as above
I have new Emblem need 2 more that also have it for a flawless run Message me on XBOX for INV GT. Same as above.
310 titan. Need 1 for trials. Please be able to hold yourself, have a mic and be 300+. Message on xbox for an inv
Need 1 for flawless trials run 311 or higher only
Need one for trials Must have flawless emblem
312 hunter looking for flawless team that I don't have to carry for every match
Need one more for trials GT same as above
Been flawless year 2 looking for 2 other really good players I will not hesitate to leave Get same as above
Need one for trials. Will go flawless. Will kick if u are trash. Message gt above.
310 hunter for trials runs, bounties or possible flawless! Looking to set up a regular team to play together and aim for that lighthouse! GT same as above.
X1, 305 Hunter lfg, Trials of Osiris send inv Gt: webb5
Need 1 chill 300+ player for a trials run. Goal is flawless, but we're trying to have a good time trying. Only other requirement is good communication. Msg me for invite Gt same as above.
Need 2 310+ with flawless emblem for flawless run message me for inv
Looking for a team to go flawless. Send invite. GT same as above.
310 sunbreaker Titan. Invite xxi sw4gg3r ixx
Need 1 been flawless 20 times message DOM1N4T1NG K1NG for inv you must have gone flawless multiple times
Need one for trials
Need one for trials above 1.0 kd laidback
Looking for a team 309+ and be good. Gt dethnight36
Need one good player knows what there doing really well me and my friend are doing very good but the other kid sucked message me for invite
Need 1 for flawless we both have kd above 2.0 so have at least 1.6 and emblem msg BroKode for inv
312 titan with red death Looking to have fun and winning is the funniest thing Message me for invite or invite me gt fakexnoobsniper
Need one skilled player must have emblem and know what you're doing, don't play stupid gt:MQVP
Need 1 for trials msg GT above with light for inv.
Need one to work on the bounties with for a couple matches. Message on Xbox for invite. Sirpiteroth