Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need 1 307+ experienced player for trials. Msg me for inv.
need 2 have gone flawless 5 times if your are checking stats check xxxbrazzersxxx1 that's the profile I will playing msg proskate97 to inv me (Brazzers banned from talking)
two hunters looking for another member that has gone flawless and goes positive!!!! 300+ message carsonwho
Went flawless multiple times, carrying people for free, add Homeruk
Light 315 lock LF 310+ team. I have pvp gear (including 307 hacksaw) GT: DIRTY285
Need 1 for trails must have year 2 flawless emblem msg on xbox1 for invite gt as above
309 lock looking for team inv gt^
Need 1 for trails must have year 2 flawless emblem msg on Xbox 1 for invite gt as above
Need 1 person with atleast 1.2kd must have being flawless before have embelem to show message Bare Zoid
Need a group (307 hunter) I've gone flawless before inv me gt same as above
Need one year2 flawless 312 Gt-phantomhero
296 sunbreaker Hav gone flawless Looking to get 7 wins minimum and complete bounties Invite me Have mic Gt: rabid mango 946 Xbox 1
Need 2 for bounties not going try hard or anything just for fun message for invite
looken for a team gt:Creationz831 invite me warlock 309
311 Hunter looking for a team gt tag shot97
looking for 1 LL 301+ with ALPHA LUPI or LBN for a fresh run also have a KD+ GT SirReginald1000
Need 3 311+ for hard oryx plz have mic and KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING message for invite
Need 1 highly skilled crucible player for trials. Not looking to carry. Be able to hold you own
looking for 1 LL 301+ with ALPHA LUPI or LBN for a fresh run also have a KD+ GT SirReginald1000
I'm 8-0 no mercy. If you are amazing and can help me go flawless message Zander 7589. If you help me go flawless this time I'll take you through a new card.
Need 2 for trials
313 Titan looking to join a team, GT above send invite on live.
305 light hunter flawless Looking for team GT: MacG6000
296 sunsinger warlock looking to do osiris, serious player wanting to complete bounties and win as much as possible. Invite ExoNinjaTitan i have a mic
Need 1 more for trials dont be brainless pls gt above
310 Titan looking to finish ToO bounties (not too worried about going flawless, but will definitely play like I want to go flawless), currently 3-0. Gt Same As Above