Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Titan 312 Looking to go flawless Inv me gt same
311 titan looking for trials team inv MillerTime669
Need 1 for flawless run.
Looking for a team to go flawless with. Send invite, GT same as above.
lvl 15 hunter, Titan and Warlock... been flawless in year 2. like to snipe and play strategically. if your looking for a third Guardian msg gt: SchultzyBare
306 hunter looking for a team to go flawless . Went flawless multiple times , Need people with fresh passage and enough passage coins . Message at Xbox for invite @ Heerlensmoke
Need 2 for flawless run. Must have been flawless in year 2 and have emblem to prove it also be 310+ MSG me for invite GT same as above
Need 1 for flawless. I have been flawless yr 2. We are serious about it so good people only. Message Hulkish72 with light lvl and class
303 hunter 314 hunter Looking for 1. Must have mic. Gt: Benjamonsta
Need 1 more for flawless run. Be good and don't waste my time.
Need 2 for bounty run gt royleethree
Need 1 for Flawless run Msg: DumpyKoala
Need a really competitive player to join me gt above
Hunter looking to go flawless this is the time to get me I'm pumped up and ready to go flawless I can drag more then my self
Need 1 Message sir givret
NEED 1 for Flawless run Msg: DumpyKoala
Need one for trials. 310+. Don't wast our time please :) if you need to be carried. Keep scrolling.
308 Warlock w/Grasp of Malok and 1000 yard stare LF trials of Osiris...been flawless in year one...GT same as above
need one gt is dropthetreble
Looking for 1 for trials gamer tag EDGMASTER 2
Need 2 looking for a flawless run I am a 311 hunter. I can hold my own and I have good weapons the thing is I don't have a mic but I can hear. So message for inv gt same as above no scrubs im
Need one for trials. 308 light must have been flawless year 2
Need 2 for flawless must be at least 300 and must be experienced msg me for invite
I'm 8-0 no mercy. If you are amazing and can help me go flawless message Zander 7589. If you help me go flawless this time I'll take you through a new card.
Need one 290+ for a NO MIC flawless trials run. The rez is always most important. Message SlyTendensies for the invite
LOOKING FOR TWO FLAWLESS FOR TRIALS MUST BE 310+ Msg kwars01 for inv Xb1 No "inv" messages. Im at 5 wins