Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
LOOKING FOR TWO FLAWLESS FOR TRIALS MUST BE 310+ Msg kwars01 for inv Xb1 No "inv" messages. Im at 5 wins
Need 1 310+ with KD 1+ pref. A person who went flawless before would be nice (Y2) and snipers are preferred. Msg gt above for inv
Need 1 for trails pls have a 1.5 kd no noobs Gt same as above
Need one more 1.5kd+ no bad players please, going flawless. If we carry you will be kicked. Message optimus rooks.
311 titian with a 1.4 KD looking for 2 more who are positive and wants to go flawless Gamer tag: Just A Dank
309 hunter, I have been flawless three times in year 2, I need 2 more that have too. Must have been flawless year two and above 305 light. Must have good Pvp weapons and also good pvp armour, looking for a good team that can go flawless. Message iColeyy
Need 1 more to run bounties, not trying to go flawless or go super try hard. Send message @ angrypup459519
We need one more msg for INV get same as name
Need two people for trials message ozzy3 need to go flawless.
Need 2 for bounty run. Message Mzsn for inv
Need 2 for trials I'm light 303 very experienced. Using red death and sniper.
Looking for a team or starting a team that just wants to get the bounties done. Winning a round is fun and something to strive for, but I'm not looking to go flawless or anything. Shoot me a message and let's get those bounties complete.
306 hunter went flawless last week looking to join two flawless players for 9-0. Gt above
Need 2 for trials must be 313 + must have gone flawless in year 2 my gt is same as above message me with you're light and you're character and I'll inv you
Need 1, just trying to complete bounties. Not trying to go flawless but will if we do well together. Message gt above for inv
Titan looking to go flawless with two others Add Activ Crysis
Need 2 for bounties and chill play.
306 light hunter looking for a team gt same as above
Need 1 must be 300+
300 light hunter looking for team to go flawless gt above
Looking to join a team of two for trials. I'm very good.. Not trying to brag but that's apparently the only way to get an invite check my stats if you need too. I'm on my hunter
307 hunter looking to go flawed. Trying to complete bounties and have fun. GT: space pope ii
316 Titan Top 5% in Crucible, my buddy is top 1% Need 1 more You don't need Y2 emblem but I swear you better not be eating ass the whole time I will check your stats, believe it mf Kirigaya Senpai
Need one for trials above 1.0 kd
Need a experienced player 305 + for flawless run Gt same as above
306 hunter went flawless last week looking to join two flawless players for 9-0. Gt above