Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
306 hunter went flawless last week looking to join two flawless players for 9-0. Gt above
309 for trials, inv: Outmeface
Need one already went flawless have emblem
315 titan looking to go flawless! Need 2 good players Gt ^
Looking for a team to finish the bountys of trials of osiris if we that good we can do flawless but mainly want to do bountys I'm 314 titan gamer tag is ULI WINS1 23
Need one 290+ for a NO MIC flawless trials run. The rez is always most important. Message SlyTendensies for the invite
Need 2 305+ with flawless emblem
Need 2 for trials I'm light 303 very experienced. Using red death and sniper.
Looking for one more player to do trials just running it for armor not trying to go flawless Gt:same I'm a 313 Hunter and my friend is a301 Titan
Looking for one more player to do trials just running it for armor not trying to go flawless Gt:same I'm a 313 Hunter and my friend is a301 Titan
Need 2 for trials
Need 2, 310 hunter haven't went been flawless this season been flawless every week multiple characters season 1 message gt above for inv
Need one already went flawless have emblem
Need 2, 310 hunter haven't went been flawless this season been flawless every week multiple characters season 1 message gt above for inv
313 Titan looking to run Osiris
Need 2 for trials bounties or flawless don't mind gt above
Need 2 for bounties and attempt at flawless. Msg kratos1408 for inv.
Need one 300+ for a NO MIC flawless trials run. The rez is always most important. Message SlyTendensies for the invite
Looking for a team for a flawless run
Need a team to go flawless be able to carry your own and have weapons your good with I'm a 311 hunter message for invite gt same as above
Looking for one person for trials msg DottyBike for invite
Need one very talented player to join two 310+ players who are very good. Must be 308+ and have good guns and communication. No BS
Need one more for bounties Message aruban scuban
Need one more for bounties Message aruban scuban
Need one 300+ for a NO MIC trials run. The rez is always most important. Message SlyTendensies for the invite
Looking for trials team message thunderexia for invite