Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
message me for inv. dont waste my time and be good message me for inv.
309 sun breaker Titan with plenty of experience who has been flawless but ONLY YEAR ONE looking to join a team who is trying to go flawless in trials I can snipe pretty well GT same as above
314 hunter with 315 Red Death, 312 Conspiracy Theory, 314 Quillims. I have gone flawless multiple times. Dont inv me if you cant compete please. Invite Chowdahead01
307 hunter lf a flawless team. Gt same as above
need one for trials message me for inv and be over 300 light
Need one more I have been flawless but want to do bounties just message me for imvite
I went flawless last weekend. Did all bounties. Wanting a good team to get flawless again. I'm on my Titan to do it. Anyone down just party chat invite me as I'm finishing up bounties before I hop in.
Need 2 for flawless run message qualitypain for invite must have been flawless last week I can hold my own
Looking to do trials, been flawless multiple times in year 1. Gt same as name, I'm a 305 hunter
313 hunter with flawless emblem not really caring to go flawless just yet looking to get bounties done
Need on more for ToO. Just be decent. (Xbone) Gt: Socom XXIII
Trials. Flawless run. Invite TheCoolerAlex
303 hunter need help with trials. Good play. LostCompanion is GT.
307 hunter lf a flawless team. Gt same as above
311 Titan with a 1.94 KD invite Ztrafey (good players only)
Looking to do trials, been flawless multiple times in year 1. Gt same as name, I'm a 305 hunter
Need one must have mic
303 hunter looking for a fireteam. Need practice! Message me on Xbox One for invite: swinecult
311 Titan - fast res, 1.2 avg kdr. Looking for team for bounties and wins. Not expecting flawless. gt: LL VYRUS LL im 311 titan.
Need two. Trying to go flawless but have fun. Gt same as above posse has a zero in it
Looking for a team to go flawless have a 1.4 KD OR BETTER I will be checking so don't lie
Need team to help me through trials gt above.
Trials. Flawless run. Invite TheCoolerAlex
Need one for flawless Msg Pugs Are Drugs for an invite
Looking for a team to go flawless have a 1.4 KD OR BETTER I will be checking so don't lie
Need 1. Msg GT above for inv