Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
I AM A 312 TITAN BEEN 9-0 29 TIMES MESSAGE Razical for invite
Need 1 for trials must have a good trials kd and went flawless before must have good pvp weapons be able to hold your own
Looking for too group. Hopefully a carry? 296 hunter
310 Hunter looking for flawless and some bounties and a good time msg/inv heebsjeebs
311 warlock looking for a good team to go flawless. Must be good don't waste my time. Gt same as above
W311 Hunter Looking for Trials of Osiris group Invite: Eye Muh Joo
312 titan looking to do some trials gt same as name on here send me an invite
310 titan looking for flawless, inv LL CATACLYSM LL
Need 2 for trials. Just for fun, nothing serious. Message me for inv. Gt same as above.
Need 1 for trials, just for fun and bounties. Flawless is a plus. Msg in game for invite.
Looking to help people go flawless I was ranked 79th in the world at trials Year 1 The requirements for me to help you is: message me on xbox GT: Mr Mugglestone Please bare in mind there is a line I will be streaming soon on twitch and il give you the details Donating does get you to the front of the line But it isn't required Thanks!
Need 1 more to chill for a few games n get bounties done, nothin serious so don't bother if ya gonna quit after 1 loss. Gt as above message for inv
Need two MUST HAVE FLAWLESS EMBLEM AND A 1.2+kd! I will check! Message me your kd and light level to be invited Same as username let's go
looking for 1 more for trials. Please be a warlock and 310+ I went to the lighthouse last week Message on Xbox please
Need 2 Join or invite Bounties and maybe flawless. INSANEDOMINANCE 306 hunter
313 titan with quick revive Looking for 310+ group Message name above on Xbox one
Need two MUST HAVE FLAWLESS EMBLEM AND A 1.2+kd! I will check! Message me your kd and light level to be invited Same as username let's go
Need 2 good players to go to lighthouse. Gt same as above
Looking for a solid team of 310+ To go 9-0 Gt pofeem39 message me for invite
Need one more just wanna complete my bounties not interested in 9/0
314 warlock looking for a group. Add me.
303 Titan looking for a trials team gt R0gue J0ker
311 golden hunter lf trials team for fun. Not looking to go flawless but if it happens, awesome! Would like to be able to chat and strategize but again, just looking to have fun since I'm newer to trials. I'll be rocking red death, conspiracy/1kstare, and terminus Tag above
310 warlock looking to run trials, message or invite Strictly Hash looking to go flawless.
DAY 1 OF TRIALS CUTIES. We help anyone and everyone to the lighthouse :)
314 warlock looking for a group. Add me.