Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need 1 skilled guardian for trials of osiris
Looking for team for trial I'm light level 310 warlock more or less just trying to do the bountys but a trip to the light house would be awesome Invite gt above Please no super serious children:)
310 warlock Lf good pvp team Invite me Gt: ii420ii420ii
Need 1 skilled guardian for trials of osiris
Looking for team. Not to go flawless
Looking for flawless team 314 self res lock Juju mercy Inv me same as above
Need 1, playing for fun Message me on xb
Whats the trials map this week
303 lock lf trials gt aa1924
Look for a trials team. 311 Titan send invite. Been flawless
Need people to go flawless. Must have experience and be 300+ kd 1.3 or higher im checking gt: captain geyser
303 lock lf trials gt aa1924
309 warlock Looking for flawless Invite: kissofdeath7242
309 warlock. Shotgun and hawksaw. Also deadly with a sniper. Invite too go flawless
313 warlock for a group to go flawless. Been flawless I'm Y2. Inv GT above if you need 1
312/313 hunter been flawless countless times before unable to in year 2 due to crap teams. Lf 2 highly skilled players with exceptional teamwork skills and have been flawless atleast 7 times in y1 and y2 but preferably have y2 emblem. Not expecting the team to be brilliant straight away but instead take a few games just to get used to the map and each others play style. Gt jamboothy msg for invite ( mic required ).
309 hunter, been flawless 3 times in ttk, recent trials kd of a 2.3, I am a bladedancer hunter, I am looking to go flawless with a good team, inv jbeyn
I am a beast at crucible!! Nuff said. Im helping people with trials to go 9-0 . I will also be streaming at so hit me up in chat for an inv.we have good laughs and fun.if you like the stream hit that favorite button
303 warlock need 2 GT : Shia LaB33F
313 lock looking to get at least the 5 win reward.
315 warlock 1.30 KD GT: Ghost Keeper invite me
Need 1 more 1.3kd+ msg tag.
Lf flawless team Gt same as above Inv me Warlock312-314
312/313 hunter been flawless countless times before unable to in year 2 due to crap teams. Lf 2 highly skilled players with exceptional teamwork skills and have been flawless atleast 7 times in y1 and y2 but preferably have y2 emblem. Not expecting the team to be brilliant straight away but instead take a few games just to get used to the map and each others play style. Gt jamboothy msg for invite ( mic required ). Need 1
308 hunter gs looking to join a team to go flawless. I'm NOT looking to carry anyone. I've been flawless in y2 and have the emblem to prove it. No kids. Invite glasskidd91
Not gonna write some long ass paragraph, need 2 good ass players for flawless run. Message with class, light, and must have 1.5+ kd. Gt same as above.