Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need one trying to go flawless but mainly just getting the trials bounties. Gt same as above. Chill run.
Went flawless last week and every week in year 1 on all 3 characters my gt is L0neWolfShadow 312 light looking for a team msg me if you guys are trying to go flawless
need 1 for trials add Coleyyy HD 300+ please
Need one 305+ for trials must have gone flawless both players on team have 1.7 kd+ overall and top 1% in trials msg gt above for inv
309 Hunter (gunslinger) 25+ times flawless Y1 3x flawless Y2 1.6KD Looking for 1 more 1.5kd+ Message me class /kd GT: ShaqJack
Need 1 must have 305+ light have the Y2 emblem for 9-0 and know what your doing Message me Gamertag is MASTER JUNITO 9 ( XBOX ONE )
Need 1 for trials 300+ light msg K40S X ASSAULTZ for invite
Need one for trials
305 Titan Looking for experienced team to go flawless
Lookin for 2 more for some fun on trials to get bounties done n hopefully get some wins. Gt as above. Message for inv. No moaners pl. Must have mic
[quote][quote]Need 2 for trials need a mic 300+msg Mrkillzonex[/quote][/quote]
Need 1 to do the bounties and have some fun. GT same as above
Need 2 for trials 306+ must be good
Need 1 for flawless run msg me for inv gt same as above
The good: top 1% player in trials, 1.6 kd and went flawless multiple times last week The bad: got communications banned for talking smack No party chat, game chat or messages I can hold more than enough for myself If ya wanna help me out Gamertag ix reason xi
312 Titan looking for good flawless team. Went flawless twice last week. Looking for a good run. Have emblem. INV GT: CONNOR from BSP
Need 1 must have 300+ light have the Y2 emblem for 9-0 and know what your doing Message me Gamertag is MASTER JUNITO 9 ( XBOX ONE )
Looking for team . I'm a 313 titan. Inv or message cole2397
316 Hunter Lfg Either for bounties or for the light house Gt is the same
Looking for 2 people for trails must be good and have good weps message me for invite gt same
306 titan lf trails team. Gt MX Shadowking
Need 2 for trials
The good: top 1% player in trials, 1.6 kd and went flawless multiple times last week The bad: got communications banned for talking smack No party chat, game chat or messages I can hold more than enough for myself If ya wanna help me out Gamertag ix reason xi
313 hunter looking for team been to lighthouse before msg or inv gt^^
Need 2 for flawless gt same as above 1.4 kd or higher plz got1.75 as of right now will be checking stats lets do this shit
Need 1 MSG sinnersoul