Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need 1 MSG sinnersoul
314 hunter. Flawless. Require Y2 flawless emblem (Sorry just a reassurance) and 311+. Message on xbox for invite. GT same as above.
312 Hunter looking for a team I'm very skilled in pvp Can hold my own GT: ToxiicDeception
314 hunter looking to join a good team no noobs... Invite me SoF iHunter
305 Titan Looking for experienced teem to go flawless
311 warlock. Looking for a team to go flawless. Have been to light house man times. Can hold my own. Good communicator. Good team player. Wasn't on xbox last week but have the exotic trials emblem from last year. Invite XGcExmeanNgreen Let's do this!
Need one for trials. Just doing bounties. Msg gt above for inv
Need 1 MSG sinnersoul
Looking or one that has went flawless before
Need 2 for trials
Need 1 more for trials. 300+ msg K40S X ASSAULTZ for an invite
Need 2 must have 300+ light have the Y2 emblem for 9-0 and know what your doing Message me Gamertag is MASTER JUNITO 9 ( XBOX ONE )
Looking for 1 for trials msg gt same as above for invite
Need 1 for trials flawless run Have 1+ KD Be able to carry your own Send me a message on Xbox for an invite Xbox name is jh810
Been flawless in year one 27 times. Look to get flawless in year 2. Need people that already been flawless last week
306 warlock. Been flawless numerous times year 1. Would like to try again. I am a good teammate and know how to play. Inv gt above please
315 titan 5 wins and bounties Gt Gladius Regni
Need one for trials, be 300 + and have a mic, and be decent as well
Golden Gun Hunter. Looking for Trials team. Send me a game inv. Gt: kpino2008.
Need 1 to run flawless again. Must have went flawless both years. 314 titan. Please have quick res
Msg for invite please have a true skill 50
1 for trials 310 and up
Need 1 for trials 300+ light, good weapons and be decent enough to try for flawless msg RK Diesel for inv
Lf 1 more I have been flawless he was 8-0 before 2 losses last week hit me up if interested
Invite me please I have a 1+ k/d and I have been flawless this year my gt is jwagenius1717
306 Titan lf flawless run. INV gt^