Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need 1 for trials message me at xtarkp must have over 305 light
Need one more for flawless run. Be above 300 light. Message CarbonShadowz for invite.
Don't have a mic just looking for a chilled run completing a few of the bounties maybe can hold my own we'll inv or msg UnkindDonkey11 Noice
311 warlock looking for a good team to go flawless. Must be good don't waste my time. Gt same as above
Titan looking to do osiris, serious player wanting to complete bounties and serious about wanting to try and go flawless. Invite ExoNinjaTitan i have a mic
Need a 313+ titan for trials
Need a experienced player 305 + for flawless run must have gone flawless multiple times either last week or in year 1 Gt same as above.
Need 1 for trials must be 307+ and has been flawless I'm y1 and prefer y2 also LETS GO FLAWLESS BOIZ msg for inv
Need 1 for trials getting bounties done jus hav fun gt same as above
I am a 309 Hunter and have gotten to 8 wins plenty of times... just can't get that 9th. Looking for two flawless players to end my bad luck! Thanks GT same as above
Need 2 for trails idc what you are message for invite Not trying to go flawless just getting my gold tires done
1.2-1.4kd 311 warlock Looking for a team
Looking for a sun breaker Titan or self Rez, must have revive armor and be a good sniper, don't be bad must be filthy trying to go flawless.. Message for inv @ joeverdi77
308 sun singer looking for a group. Trying to go flawless. Mic is a must. Invite me GT: McSkeefy
305Hunter looking for a good team I can hold my weight. Good at both sniping and rushing. Fast revive Inv me
Looking for 1 more Badass for our Group Light 305+ Must be good Sniper Message GT: YeetYeetYABISH
310 hunter Looking for 2 to do trials message for inv
Need 2 serious players who know what they are doing for a flawless run message gt aarons creed
Need 2 for flawless I have been flawless before already and I'm looking for 2 good players msg me for inv gt same as above
Looking to play trials, 290+ not bothered about flawless just want to play. GT same as above The 0 is a number
312 need serious team. Trying to flawless. Got to 8-0 twice yesterday. Gt-Brainjerk
312 hunter looking for a good team invite JOKERVSBATMAN0
Need 2 for trials. Haven't gone flawless, working on that and need some good teammates to help. Message cosmostrain for invite.
305 hunter Experienced No scrubs Invite bear xx jew
Not that good myself ... Looking for 2 try hards who live and breathe pvp to help a fellow Guardian to the lighthouse. I'm high light and have all three characters with good guns. Anybody willing to help or take the challenge however you look at it... Send ProJaguarLG a message or invite.
312 titan looking for flawless run gt same