Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need 2 for flawless only msg me if your a very good sniper and have been flawless with 310+
Need 2 for trials just want to get bounties done and have fun message DJ OG Stoned for inv
need 2 for trials that's 300 plus looking for flawless victory
Need 2 Finishing bounties Message in game for invite Gt same as above
Need 1 for trials. Gt above. Looking for flawless
Need a experienced player 305 + for flawless run must be a good sniper and have been flawless before Gt same as above
im a warlock self rez Have already completed trial trying do second character must be good no scrubs Invite Bare Zoid
Need 2 at sisters cp normal. Pleave have experience. Gt is iGhettoELM0
305 Titan. 1.5 kd. Send me an invite...
Need 1 for trials must have Y2 emblem imma chill dude but I wanna win msg chickenslayer69 for invite
Looking for 2 highly skilled players for quick lighthouse run. Please have emblem for y2 lighthouse. Msg for inv gt same as name 0s are numbers.
Need 2 for trials flawless run -must be 305+ -must be good at pvp -communication is a must -good weapons -hold your own
302 warlock looking for a team gamertag dopewonderbread
Boys and girls. If you need help to get flawless on trials, message gt: AJKHD. I'm happy to help. ( don't be really awful )
303 hunter, looking for a team to go flawless, preferably who has gone flawless before, invite xHarrisonnn
306 hunter with all sub-classes maxed and the crest of alpha lupi. Gt as above
Need a team of 5 that have done hard before and light +307 add Gerson_13_2001
1.47 kd 312 Titan looking for a good team. Must have a 1.2 or higher kd (in trials) and be experianced. No kids no scrubs and I will be checking your stats before inviting.
314 warlock looking for a team for trials! Inv Gt above
On last character 312 hunter need 2 that have been flawless on this map must have emblem msg stats and class for invite or send game invite
Need 1 for flawless, no scrubs, were trying to get this done message dat20piece for inv
Need 2 ultra sweaty neck try hards to join a 314 warlock for a flawless must be a team player msg me for invite 311+
Need 1 more either titan or warlock for a flawless run you must have gone flawless either year one or year two, thats it.
Level 296 Hunter. Looking to do Trails and I don't care about flawless, i'm just doing it to try and get some gear. Please invite me, GT: v Sam the Kid
310 Titan looking for flawless experienced team only Gt same as above
Warrior Ethos Brotherhood and StunShy have teamed up to provide help getting people to the lighthouse. Don't have skilled players on you friends list? Just falling short of making it flawless? Want the Taken King lighthouse rewards but are not a skilled pvp player. StunShy and Warrior Ethos Brotherhood are here to help. We will be streaming as we carry and help people to the lighthouse for free. Come support us and we will help you go flawless. There will also be open sign ups for clan membership and strategy sharing. We will be streaming as much as possible during Trials weekends. We help everyone!