Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Warrior Ethos Brotherhood and StunShy have teamed up to provide help getting people to the lighthouse. Don't have skilled players on you friends list? Just falling short of making it flawless? Want the Taken King lighthouse rewards but are not a skilled pvp player. StunShy and Warrior Ethos Brotherhood are here to help. We will be streaming as we carry and help people to the lighthouse for free. Come support us and we will help you go flawless. There will also be open sign ups for clan membership and strategy sharing. We will be streaming as much as possible during Trials weekends. We help everyone!
Need 2 ultra sweaty neck try hards to join a 314 warlock for a flawless must be a team player msg me for invite 311+
Need 2 that went flawless before. Plz be above 305+ and have a good sniper or shotgun. Looking to go flawless! Msg Gt same as above for inv. I can carry my own weight and you should be able too.
Need 2 for trails
Need 2 for flawless -Must be at least 310 -Must have been flawless in year one -Must have good weapons
Invite me 309 hunter can't speak but can hear every1 been flawless like 100 times in year 1 I'm in top 1 % trials
312 Titan looking to join a flawless team. Went flawless in year 1. GT jkiefsfip83
Need one msg av viper for inv
Looking for flawless team I'm a 310 Titan. Gt same as above.
Top 3% trials player, flawless each week year one. Hunter. Gt is same as above.
Lev 40 hunter have gone flawless already looking to go agin gt stumblinghook plz in me to a party chat first plz
Need 2 for flawless run. Be 305+ preferred. Don't make this an all day thing. Msg gt above for inv
310 Hunter need 2 that have gone flawless. 310 + message me for invite. Serious players only
Looking to join a team for flawless. 1.4 kd and been flawless today already. 306 warlock and decent sniper. Inv khan i sykosis
Lookin for two for trials. Gt is AoR Horseman44. 300+ comment gt
Need a team for flawless run. On my third character/win. Don't suck 303 warlock Inv saidincontext
Need 1 to run flawless much experience GT Mann ohne Glied
Need 1 for flawless run 1.4+ kd message gt same preferably not a hunter and a sniper
Gt Abstraction X Warlock Nova Bomb Level 40 light level 313 Primary: The Inward Lamp 314 attack Special: Susanoo 313 attack attack Heavy: The Unseeing Eye 304 attack Good with call outs KD 1.5 PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD CAN SOME BODY HELP ME GO FLAWLESS I BEEN TRYING SINCE TRIALS CAME OUT ONLY INV IF YOUR A GOOD AT PVP. I CAN ALSO HOLD MY OWN SO IM NOT LOOKING TO BE CARRIED I JUST WANNA PLAY WITH GOOD TEAM PLEASE. Ps i just want to go flawless once i been trying since trials came out please dont inv if your not good not being rude i just been with at least 40 diffrent groups im tired of it.
Need 2 for flawless run I've been 8-0 4 times and countless times in year 1 looking for players that can hold there own to make it 9-0
Hay guys locking for a good team to go 9 : 0. Need 2. You must have at lest 1.0 kd msg Soonerfan4EVER
307titan looking for two more people 300+ to go flawless with must be good : zayho
LF1M sunsinger warlock for trials
Lfg that communicate and are chill same gt inv
312 warlock looking for flawless. Was flawless all last year. Invite Gt GinjaStar