Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need one for trials need to know whatnot are doing and been flawless before
Lf for team. This is not my main. So kd is not accurate. Msg gt above
Need 2 310+ who can hold their own for trials, message dat20piece for inv
Hay guys locking for a good team to go 9 : 0. Need 2. You must have at lest 1.0 kd msg Soonerfan4EVER
310 titan. Looking for two more chill players. Message on xbox for an inv. All I ask is that you are 300+, can hold your own and have a mic. Looking to go flawless.
312 warlock looking to join a ToO team. Flawless would be great, but isn't a necessity. Gt same as above.
Experienced Titan Looking For Trials Team Please Have Mics And Be Experienced Inv A1Laurence
Gt Abstraction X Warlock Nova Bomb Level 40 light level 313 Primary: The Inward Lamp 314 attack Special: Susanoo 313 attack attack Heavy: The Unseeing Eye 304 attack Good with call outs KD 1.5 PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD CAN SOME BODY HELP ME GO FLAWLESS I BEEN TRYING SINCE TRIALS CAME OUT ONLY INV IF YOUR A GOOD AT PVP. I CAN ALSO HOLD MY OWN SO IM NOT LOOKING TO BE CARRIED I JUST WANNA PLAY WITH GOOD TEAM PLEASE. Ps i just want to go flawless once i been trying since trials came out please dont inv if your not good not being rude i just been with at least 40 diffrent groups im tired of it.
306 hunter very skilled player looking for 2 others who can hold their own for a flawless run, inv gt above
Gt Abstraction X Warlock Nova Bomb Level 40 light level 313 Primary: The Inward Lamp 314 attack Special: Susanoo 313 attack attack Heavy: The Unseeing Eye 304 attack Good with call outs KD 1.5 PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD CAN SOME BODY HELP ME GO FLAWLESS I BEEN TRYING SINCE TRIALS CAME OUT ONLY INV IF YOUR A GOOD AT PVP. I CAN ALSO HOLD MY OWN SO IM NOT LOOKING TO BE CARRIED I JUST WANNA PLAY WITH GOOD TEAM PLEASE. Ps i just want to go flawless once i been trying since trials came out please dont inv if your not good not being rude i just been with at least 40 diffrent groups im tired of it.
Looking for 1 highly skilled sniper that has the y2 lighthouse emblem. Msg for inv gt same as name 0s are numbers. Went to light house twice this weekend going for 3.
I am 314 Looking for player who is 1.30kd + message for invite and I will check
Looking for 2 great players to go flawless 300+ no scrubs Message Gt above for inv
308 warlock looking for a great team to go flawless. Need some good snipers on my team, I can hold my own. Gt same as above invite me
309 warlock looking to go flawless!
309 warlock looking for team. gt same. send invite please
Need one we are going to carry the first person that messages me
Need 1 300+ for flawless message:Little Dodge 23
Need to good snipers for trials gt same as above and I mean good snipers
310 warlock. Need 2 for flawless, already did my other two characters. Prefer a good sniper message Jaacko20
Gt Abstraction X Warlock Nova Bomb Level 40 light level 313 Primary: The Inward Lamp 314 attack Special: Susanoo 313 attack attack Heavy: The Unseeing Eye 304 attack Good with call outs KD 1.5 PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD CAN SOME BODY HELP ME GO FLAWLESS I BEEN TRYING SINCE TRIALS CAME OUT ONLY INV IF YOUR A GOOD AT PVP. I CAN ALSO HOLD MY OWN SO IM NOT LOOKING TO BE CARRIED I JUST WANNA PLAY WITH GOOD TEAM PLEASE. Ps i just want to go flawless once i been trying since trials came out please dont inv if your not good not being rude i just been with at least 40 diffrent groups im tired of it.
Apparently I'm not getting xbl notifications. Message me and I'll invite you to a party, hope it works.... Been flawless on all my characters already this week, but I'm home sick with nothing to do so happy to help other players get some wins. GT: Buckpack
306 hunter went flawless last year. Highly skilled and looking to go flawless. Investors me or message for invite
Looking for 2 great players to go flawless 300+ no scrubs Message Gt above for inv
Inv TSP AlmostKnown 312 titan
309 warlock looking for team. gt same. send invite please