Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Help with trials please? Never gone flawless. I'm a good player, just need a team....and at this point, I wouldn't mind being carried, I want to go flawless just once. Never make it past 8 , GT is ARG Devil Dog
307 titan need two more. Msg me on xbox
309 hunter looking for trials team. Looking to go flawless and just have fun. Went flawless year 1 and can hold my own. Send msg/inv gt piece 0f sheet
Titan looking for trials. Been flawless 3x this week just looking to play for some fun and will help others to achieve flawless Kd 1.6 I think someone said. GT the same just invite
Need 2 for nightfall. +300 light.
Need one for ToO. Mostly completing bounties. Msg gt above for inv.
Need 1 Must be in top 10% And good 1.3 or better kd Serious players only that can stick to a strategy And carry their own weight We are very chill but like to win. Message gt above for inv
Titan looking for trials. Been flawless 3x this week just looking to play for some fun and will help others to achieve flawless Kd 1.6 I think someone said. GT the same just invite
Need 1 for flawless Must be amazing and have a great kd I will check We will go 9-0 Msg gt above with stats for invite and class
Need 2 for flawless run. Must have gone flawless in either Y1 or 2. Good communication & teamwork. 310+ only Hold your own. Message me on Xbox for inv -iWilpo
Need 2 305+ for trials flawless run attempt. Gt XreesyboyX
Need 2 for trials, please have a mic and message me on xbox for invite
Need 2 trying to go flawless message me for invite
313 titan lfg for bounties, have excellent weapons and am good in trials so can get 5+ wins, pst
304 hunter lfg mostly to do bounties. Not great at crucible or ToO but will try. First time doing ToO. Inv gt above. Probably won't go flawless with me unless you can carry me.
310+ warlock looking for 2 helpful guardians I just want the scout rifle Please consider helping a brother out!
312 storm caller warlock. Went flawless twice already. Only inv me if you have gone flawless too. Gt ^
Need 1 more for going flawless msg me gt above must be 300+
Looking for team 303 warlock
Need team for trails gt IPmPyomama for invite
Great player (311) lock looking for two other known killers PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't INV unless you both aren't FLAWLESS good. I say this will the utmost respect. GT above
304 hunter with 1.6 kd lf flawless grp. msg me on xb1 please have a good kd i will check.
308 Hunter, exp player Looking for flawless run GT Hdutch44
LVL 311 Hunter GT is ErwinGames
Gone flawless, now on my 310 titan, invite if you need a strong 3rd Gt:JustDidds
Looking for a team of fellow scrubs lords to be stepping stones for the elitist's on their way to the lighthouse. Must have a k/d of 0.2 or below. Invite GT: space pope ii