Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need 2 I have been flawless already this week looking for 2 that have already been flawless this week! Message Sgt Jermz for Inv (I don't have a mic but I went flawless without one yesterday) DO NOT JOIN WITHOUT EMBLEM I WILL KICK YOU #sorrynotsorry
Need 2 I have been flawless already this week looking for 2 that have already been flawless this week! Message Sgt Jermz for Inv (I don't have a mic but I went flawless without one yesterday) DO NOT JOIN WITHOUT EMBLEM I WILL KICK YOU #sorrynotsorry
Im 313 Titan looking for two high level guardians for a flawless run have good weapons good communications and be decent at pvp send a invite on Xbox one if need a extra guy gamer tags the same as the name above ^^^^
Need 2 for trials Must have been flawless before(Y2) 305+
305 Hunter Gunslinger or Nightstalker Primary TLW Special 1000 Yard or Conspiracy Theory Heavy Terminus LMG I'm Experienced ive gone Flawless looking for other flawless ppl to go again GT:God Of Infamy Ps im showing up offline but im online
312 hunter looking to play trials. I definitely can hold my own. Due to Xbox update I can't hear or talk to anyone I play with. Just shoot me a inv, you won't be disappointed lol. GT above.
Looking for people who are good looking to go flawless must be able to hold your own and be a good light level DO NOT WASTE PUR TIME send me a message for inv
Edited by GeauxTime: 11/1/2015 4:56:26 PMNeed 2 people to farm for coins, msg vR ScopezZ if that's you
Need 2 recruits for trial . Need super experience people . Trying to go 9-0. No bullshit. Message me for invite.
I'm a warlock 311 . got y1 flawless badge , send invite please
299 Warlock need 2 don't have mic but am good player, msg me gt is above
Need one for flawless please be good msg on xbox for inv
New Two Really Good players [b][i][u]Scrubs Need Not Apply}[/u][/i][/b] don't have mic but I've gone flawless twice already and I have a 1.99kd in trials [Dont buy buffs right away we'll play 1 game and if the team is good well get fresh cards with all buffs]
309 warlock have been flawless quiet a few times looking for good team to go flawless, if you gonna be a rage quitter after 1 loss don't bother looking for people willing to give it a good go and get this done
Need one more for flawless. Msg for inv
Need 2 for trials 310+ must have gone flawless before msg scoutkiller777 for inv
Looking for 1, trials kd must be above 1.5, drop gamertags if you are a serious player.
I'm a warlock 311 . got y1 flawless badge , send invite please
I'm a 310 Hunter looking for a fresh flawless run. I'm top 1 percent in trials with a 36 true skill. I can hold my own. Running nirwens, 1000 yard, truth. INV me.
309 titan looking for serious team to go flawless and can hold there own and also work well as a team. Invite me SoF iHunter
Need 2 310 + with a 1.3 kd that can carry himself and have experience so we can just run through the trials msg me for invite Gt : PQSxProject
Need 2 310 + with a 1.3 kd that can carry himself and have experience so we can just run through the trials msg me for invite Gt : PQSxProject
Need 1 300+ for trials msg on xbox for inv gt same
Need to complete 4 more matches for my gold tier bounty. Invite Crota bona on Xbox one
Ok I need two people who can guarantee 5 wins without losing I have 4 wins on my card all ready msg me if you are up for trials and want to go flawless
305 hunter looking for a game. Gt same as above