Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Edited by xXplaguedsoulXx: 11/1/2015 6:38:55 AMMediocre 311 Gunslinger LF two more. Not stressed on going Flawless. Like minded people.
I'm a 310 Hunter looking for a fresh flawless run. I'm top 1 percent in trials with a 36 true skill. I can hold my own. Running nirwens, 1000 yard, truth. INV me.
Edited by GammaRX: 11/1/2015 6:42:47 AMLooking for a solid team to go flawless...I've gone flawless before invite GT gamma AVENGER Hunter light 313
I'm a 305 warlock looking for 2 guardians 305 light or higher with crucible. I've been to the lighthouse 20 plus times. My k/d in most crucible game types is a 1.4. Shoot me a message on Xbox for an invite.
Need one good player to go flawless with(please don't be stupid)(
Looking for flawless team 305 Warlock self res inv me ReFiiNeD X
306 Lf team
306 Hunter (pvp set up) red death - conspiracy - lmg Looking for flawless trials team. Send invite to GT ^
310 Titan looking for possible flawless run
307 hunter looking for a team to go flawless inv asap gt the same
309 Titan gone flawless several times Looking for good team Send invite Gt: I hate illegulz
Need 1 for trials of Osiris. We are going for flawless. Must have been flawless before, skilled players only. Msg gt above for an inv.
Need one for trials 310+ For flawless attempt Gt Thykinghasrisen
Need team for trials 312-314 Hunter xSGTxC0NNx Its a zero in my name
Looking for one more. just be decent. looking for a good time. Message the GT above.
307 warlock looking for a really good team to go flawless with. GT is A Reticent God
306 SB Titan, experienced GT Hdutch44
Looking for one more to go flawless i have gone flawless before trying to take my friend msg me to join gt above
Need one for wins Message the worm keeper for invite
Need 1 for flawless run No scrubs Msg gt above for invite
Flawless run. Must have: 1.5 k.d. or higher 300 light or higher Working mic with good communication I will check. Message for invite.
Need 2 to go flawless message Gt above
Need one for trials msg for invite going flawless again
Need 1 for trials 305+ light and 1.0+ LF and pull ur weight
Edited by OBGS: 11/1/2015 6:28:19 AMLooking for two Gamertag OBGS Light 312 311 hawsaw 313 1000 yard stare
Need a good player to go flawless with must be good and have skills with weapons almost went flawless must be over 300 light msg for inv gt same as above don't waste my time