Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
need 1 for flawless run msg gt above
Looking to go flawless or at least 5 wins! Level 34 titan max everything!
Looking to go flawless or at least 5 wins! Level 34 titan max everything!
Need one? Inv me for flawless run, gt. Hrd d n bublgum
Level 34 Warlock Thorn/Self Rez LF Flawless GT Above
Looking for one more to go flawless. Plz be good and have a positive kd. Msg my gt ingame for invite
34 warlock just looking for 5 wins.
1 Hour left Guardians!!!!
Need two for quick flawless run message for inv or invite me GT jayCrofts26
Gamer tag on Xbox One: Xccell Level 34 Hunter I've gone 8 wins in a row so far. I can hold my own weight. I have Thorn, Felwinters Lie and Ash factory all maxed. Send invite to Xccell or message me.
Looking to go flawless message me I have a 34 hunter and warlock maxed last word on both I'm good with both message me doingurwaffles3
Can anyobe help im trying to get one more win to buy the armor piece. Msg for inv
Looking for one more to go flawless. Plz be good and have a positive kd. Msg my gt ingame for invite
Hate to admit but I might need to be carried, I can hold my own and have a Pos KD. GT is the same. Xbox360
Need one more must be good
Going flawless. Be experienced. Know communication. Dont be a lose cannon. Tactics is key.
Level 34 Warlock Thorn/Self Rez LF Flawless GT Above
Need one for trials Gt above
1.4 kd. Message or inv
[url][/url] [u]t00k ez[/u] [b]#110 for wins in trials in the world[/b] Hey guys, I'm carrying my viewers in my twitch chat room for free right now! So my chat room is set up with a bot and we do a raffle, all YOU must do is type "!raffle" and follow my twitch channel! Enjoy.
Need one that can hold his own. Add LazyColt1530608
34 warlock already gone flawless 4 times this week, just tryin to help a team out, inv
Looking for a couple to go flawless.. If you can hold your own.. Message me 4 invite
Lvl 34 self res wanting to go to the light house for the first time. Gt the same, measage if you can make that happen.
Lvl 34 been flawless on all characters just looking to help out send me invite
34 titan need two 34 for trials gt same as name