Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
34 titan need two 34 for trials gt same as name
34 titan looking for a flawless team have been flawless multiple times gt same as above
34 hunter looking for capable trials team, must have Done flawless, inv to this GT
Lvl34 lock wanna get one last flawless in experienced teams hit me up gt the same
Need one for trials fresh start looking to go flawless message my gamertag leemccord. Must have a mic and use it they came free with the xbox and you have a kinect so no reason why your not talking.
34 warlock for trials gt same as above
Need one more decent player
34 Hunter looking to do flawless before reset. Been to LH on Titan and lock already
Need 1 w/mic message xxtrojanman5xx, and call him sexy
Need two great players to go flawless with Gt markymark allen
Lvl 34 titan looking to go to the lighthouse before the reset if someone could carry that would be great! (never been flawless) Gt xdemented4lifex
Class: Titan Level: 34 Players needed: 2 am in the top 2% of the world for trials. LFP who communicate, follow strategy, know which areas to cover, call things out, gone flawless, maintain composure, & can carry their own weight. Although I can carry.
34 hunt max weps Thorn,last word Matador with good rolls, praedyths revenge (not good snipe) Ash fact, tomorrow's answer Need a crew to go flawless can carry own Also wearing alpha lupi
Need 2 for trials, trying to go flawless and I've gone flawless a couple time have emblem to prove it. Need Skype to communicate because my mic broke. Message me for an invite gt: CJ9632
Need 1 for flawless run gt: Cronk actual
Need 1 for flawless run
flawless need 2 34 Hunter Gt same as above Must have been flawless before NO SCRUBS!
I will try and help teams go flawless. Invite me. GT same as name. Don't be noobs.
34 Hunter looking for help out teams I'm done with all my characters already just looking to play Gt:same
Level 34 Hunter looking to run trials. Send invite.
Need one. We aren't going flawless, but we want some wins. Message ACEgrubb15 for invite
Lvl 34 titan looking to go to the lighthouse before the reset if someone could carry that would be great! Also atm i only have enough coins for 1 boon :/ (never been flawless) Gt xdemented4lifex
34 titan looking for experienced team for trials I have gone flawless and would like to again but if not get at least 8 wins message Th3FAWN
34 warlock looking for a run invite if Interested gamertag same as above
34 hunter looking for help going flawless. Holding my own won't be a problem. 365 thorn 365 verdict 365 fury
I am willing to help people go flawless. Invite me. GT same as name