Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
I am willing to help people go flawless. Invite me. GT same as name
Edited by ProteccYaNecc: 9/8/2015 5:12:03 AM34 for trials. I'm at wits end. I'm usually last alive on the team I can snipe and use TLW effectively Can communicate and call out. GT Bacon Burgers
Hey everyone! I'm going to be doing FREE trials flawless 9-0 for anyone who has added me as a friend and is viewing and following me on twitch. If not I'll get you the packages. Been 9-0 70+ times and you can check my stats. Check me out on twitch. Gamertag: rm fr3ak.
Looking for one more for trials
Livestreaming Trials guys! 34 Sunsinger helping out teams in Trials for shits and giggles. Have been flawless 30+ times in total and have been flawless 8 times this weekend! Send me an invite me if you need me. I'm chill AF tonight. Please check out the stream! I've already helped one person get flawless today! Note that I can't respond to messages or every invite, so if I don't respond I'm probably already in a team, sorry :( Loadout: MIDA(or TLW if I'm sweaty) Praedyth Tomorrow's Answer Praxic Fire bois
Need one. We aren't going flawless, but we want some wins. Message ACEgrubb15 for invite
Anyone wanna toy with the other team and help them go flawless? Invite x Rive x. I'm just super bored.
Level 34 Hunter looking to run trials before reset. Send invite.
Trying to go flawless looking for a team who has gone flawless(have gone flawless too) 34 hunter with max weapons
Looking for one person 34 must carry his own and be good message me for incite
Anyone wanna toy with the other team and help them go flawless? Invite x Rive x. I'm just super bored.
Need 1 person trying to go flawless msg me gt is nuttmanmunn
34 hunter gg 1.7 kd Looking to help out Don't be shit can't carry a whole team Msg or inv gt above
Lvl 34 hunter max weapons looking for a good flawless team .gt same
Need one sweaty for 5 wins. Just helping a buddy. Already been flawless, not worried about it. Hold your own.
Yo! Anyone want to join up for trials? Mainly just trying to get the helmet, but kinda pressed for time because I have to get some shit done. Although if our record is good, we can keep going for flawless. Just trying to have fun with some good people. Message me for inv. GT is same as above
Need one. We aren't going flawless, but we want some wins. Message ACEgrubb15 for invite
Level 34 warlock been lighthouse heaps looking to join a team please invite me
Need help going flawless never been and would like to go before its leaves msg me or inv me gt same level 34
Really hate to do this but at this point I'm so beyound desperate... I've never been to light house an all I want is to get thier atleast once... but everytime I try I fail.... done countless runs this week an weeks past... please any 2 people who can lend strong shoulders to help me I'd so greatly appreciate it.... If your willing to help me My gt is vKAZEKAGE GAARA Again I'd love you guys if you could get me there Btw I'm not terrible I'm decent all 34 characters maxed out with maxed 365 weps
Level 34 Hunter looking for flawless. Send invite.
Need 1 for flawless trials run. Don't waste our time if you don't know what your doing. Be max level and have weapons and be able to hold your own. Message gamertag above for inv.
Edited by Lynxic: 9/8/2015 5:04:24 AMLivestreaming Trials guys! 34 Sunsinger helping out teams in Trials for shits and giggles. Have been flawless 30+ times in total and have been flawless 8 times this weekend! Send me an invite me if you need me. I'm chill AF tonight. Please check out the stream! I've already helped one person get flawless today! Note that I can't respond to messages or every invite, so if I don't respond I'm probably already in a team, sorry :( Loadout: MIDA(or TLW if I'm sweaty) Praedyth Tomorrow's Answer Praxic Fire bois
NEED ONE MORE MESSAGE TheAlexStutters Must be 34 and good or else get the boot
I'm carrying anybody one more time for the night. Been flawless 4 times today... Need one more person Send me a msg for invite My GT: Skeptic Scufii
Need 1 person trying to go flawless msg me gt same as above