Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need one good player msg rydogm for invr
Invite thunderxgoose 34 warlock max weapons
Need one more chill person for trials run. Gt: the dream liger
Need 2 for flawless and only flawless no 8-1 Ive gone flawless many time on my titan and my warlock I normally run self rez Messenger adept Icebreaker Tomorrow answer Gt same as above Msg me on xbox with your load out
Looking to go flawless. GT: JairedStar I've never gone flawless before. If you can carry me that would be cool. But I can hold my own. Be great if I could get some help. Lvl 34 Hunter. Invite me.
elite player no mic doesnt matter invite me
Anyone want to pick me up I'm decent. Don't care if your flawless or not just want to run trails lol
Need 2 for flawless Level 34's only No kids please Gt:SoggyToast4U
Looking for team send invite gt same as above
Looking for one flawless player only must have positive KD trying to do this quick... Send doctor puff805 a message for inv
Need a group Can hold my own 34 hunter maxed tlw Same name
I need one for trials I just got flawless last night I need a really good player
34 titan maxed weapons, been flawless every week. Looking for two solid flawless players 1.2+ KD. Gt same as name.
Need 1 with 1.2 kd or higher message for inv my kd is 1.34 will check stats
Need 2 for trials and be experienced
34 hunter maxed weapons and quick revive Went flawless a couple of times invite Zz bruh
34 hunter maxed weapons and quick revive Went flawless a couple of times invite Zz bruh
need 2 people to help me go flawless msg Terek1213
Looking for a team that needs one more. I'm a lil 34 hunter been flawless at least once every week.
Looking for a team to go flawless tonight again. I have literally max all weapons but mostly use the messenger and the last word. Msg me for inv n let s go get sun burnt or Mercury.
Need one more for flawless
Looking for 2 flawless players Gt. AO6 BULLET
Looking for 2 flawless players Gt. AO6 BULLET
Need 2 for a flawless run must have a 1.2kd or higher message me gt same as above
Lv 34 Titan last character to go flawless on Was helping ppl all weekend if you are good and need a good third send me an invite Gt same as name And let's make it quick no shitty players!!!
Anyone want to carry me? Gt Mrwanks