Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Anyone want to carry me? Gt Mrwanks
Looking for a team to go flawless tonight again. I have literally max all weapons but mostly use the messenger and the last word. Msg me for inv n let s go get sun burnt or Mercury.
Looking for 1 for trials. Must have gone flawless. Message me for invite. GT is name.
34 lock maxed weapons have gone flawless twice this week invite me
Edited by kilLin yo HiGh: 9/8/2015 2:09:38 AM34 hunter leveling trueskill (35) top 1% trials looking for xp trials players only send inv or msg for inv with stats
I'm a 34 (Titan) All 365 weaponry Been flawless and very serious Invite me if you need 1! Must meet same requirements (Top 5%) (Onyx division)
Need 1 decent player for trials. Not trying for flawless just 3 wins. Message for inv.
Looking for a team looking to win send invite to MINK DARK CROSS lvl 34 hunter
34 titan maxed weapons, been flawless every week. Looking for two solid flawless players 1.2+ KD. Gt same as name.
I just want to play and have a good time don't care if we lose,win, or even flawless I just want to have a blast
Need 2 players willing to get me five wins GT same as above
Come say hi in twitch @SxCAngelZ I help people go flawless (75% guranteed flawless) everyday while trials is out.. And if you need help come say hi at chat and I'll hit you up!! And if you like my content, well hey follow up!!! Join the SxC nation! (^_^) Thanks!! O(^_^)o
Need one for trials gt jwalk10k message for inv maxed guns and 34 please trying for flawless
Hey I need 4 wins bro help my gt izmokiller007
Need two for a laid back trials run
Need one good player to help me get my friend to 5 wins , she just wants a helmet Message RL Conspiracy for inv
Experienced warlock have been flawless 10+ times looking for and experienced team that has gone flawless multiple times
Have max weapons looking to go flawless, have gone before. Gt above.
34 titan maxed weapons, been flawless every week. Looking for two solid flawless players 1.2+ KD. Gt same as name.
Need 2 for flawless Level 34's only No kids please Gt:SoggyToast4U
Looking for a team to run me through flawless before trials is gone for a while. Inv ShabaanStamkos.
Looking for one person to help me get my cousin to the lighthouse b4 it goes away for a while I would prefer to have someone that can go ham no matter who we verse I'm a 34 warlock he's a 34 titan gt: SoloNaTiVe187
Hunter been flawless before trying to get flawless if not no biggie invite MiguelC78
Need 2 players willing to get me five wins GT same as above
Looking to go flawless. GT: JairedStar I've never gone flawless before. If you can carry me that would be cool. But I can hold my own. Be great if I could get some help. Lvl 34 Hunter. Invite me.
Need 2 experienced ppl message bigscoot88