Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need one
No mic because I use Skype but can hold my own. Been flawless 20+ times with a 1 kd. I play CoD competitively and am a very good PvP player. Aggressive blink/TLW/found verdict hunter. If u wanna hop in the backpack invite "Xaqh" . Wanna go flawless one last time
Looking for trials team gt above
RANKED #16 IN THE WORLD IN TRIALS! HELPING GUARDIANS GO FLAWLESS 9-0! Hurry! Don't message, just come to stream! :)
Need two gt above
Need 1 Going to the light house. I will kick you if your bad
need one for flawless run
Lf1 more for trials flawless, msg wh1tch1t, please be able to hold your own.
Never seen light house and would really like too 34 Hunter do good bit never have a team that can go flawless gt is same plz help I mite not get another chance
Need 1 for flawless must have emblem be able to hold own.
Edited by Fletcher Palf: 9/8/2015 1:38:56 AMLooking 1 member Need 1 win for helmet Message - Fletcher Palf
Edited by Blood: 9/8/2015 1:35:25 AMLvl 34 Hunter looking to go flawless gt same as name invite me plz
34 sunsinger warlock LF flawless team Been flawless multiple times Inv this gt
Let's go flawless! :D Message or invite DaGunslinger19 :D
34 Hunter for flawless run get same as above
[url][/url] [u]t00k ez[/u] [b]#110 for wins in trials in the world[/b] Hey guys, I'm carrying my viewers in my twitch chat room for free right now! So my chat room is set up with a bot and we do a raffle, all YOU must do is type "!raffle" and follow my twitch channel! Enjoy.
I'm a 34 (Titan) All 365 weaponry Been flawless and very serious Invite me if you need 1! Must meet same requirements (Top 5%) (Onyx division)
Looking to go flawless quick Lvl 34 warlock have ram and thorn Inv gt same as above
Looking for team to go flawless. Missed mine by 1 game. Doing it on my hunter
Let's go flawless! :D Message or invite DaGunslinger19 :D
Need to go to the lighthouse. I've never been. Even willing to donate for a fast run. I'm a decent player, but never get on decent teams.
Need one more. Both of us are really solid and been flawless a while back. We need a bit of help with today's new young blood talent. Message on X1 for an invite.
I'm a 34 Hunter I've been flawless every week I need 2 lighthouse players with good weapons and communications send a invite on Xbox if you need 1 more my gamer tags the same as the name above ^^^^
34 Titan been flawless 13 times Inv gt above I can carry my own Let's do this
just went to light house doing another run we need 1 guy msg me gt is the same
34 Titan Flawless 24 Times Max Last Word/Thorn/Messenger Max Party Crasher +1/Her Benevolence Grimoire score 3330 I'm looking for a smart and mature team. I prefer that you have gone flawless at least once. If you need one more player invite me