Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need a team to go flawless with. I have a 1.83 kd. Please have gone flawless atleast 1 time. Gt same as above Inv or message me
Doing our best to take followers flawless we have taken a few we are top 5% and top 7% in trails 34 and 31 dtr true skill in trails, all you have to do is follow sergthepanda on twitch come in the chat say hello then follow mrandmrspardo and your entered for a raffle
Looking for two warlocks with a kd of 1.23 at least inv or message me
34 warlock Been flawless many times Invite me Gt:ii420ii420ii
Need 1 add Quickx5150
Looking for two people to help me go flawless or at least get 8 wins, I'm a 34 titan and can hold my own but have yet to find a solid team to kill it (; Im very chill and won't rage quite after one loss so looking for the same type of players
34 Titan Flawless 22 Times Max Last Word/Thorn/Messenger Max Party Crasher +1/Her Benevolence Grimoire score 3330 I'm looking for a smart and mature team. I prefer that you have gone flawless at least once. If you need one more player invite me
Looking for one more to go flawless. We have both have been flawless over 20+ times. My kd is a 1.56 (look it up) and looking for one more player 1.3+ kd or higher... Don't message me if u have a low kd. Looking to play for fun and go flawless. Message at gt above
Looking for 2 more for Osiris not looking for flawless but just wants 8wins
Looking to help 2 who are struggling I can carry but I really just wanna play and have fun Alrdy been flawless Inv
Aye! Trials help with followers! These are not carries, you still must use your thumbs! come play or just hang with the stream! Hit us up if you wanna come kick it! Http://
- I am streaming and helping people go flawless on trials of Osiris (you must have a 69.69 kd or your banned just kidding :)) come, watch and play with me
34 hunter looking for a good team for trials. Max thorn, word, party crasher, matador. Send inv. Been flawless
Need 2 lvl 34 365 primary Self red warlock Must have gone flawless 5 times
Need 1 person who can hold their own message HaleeDoinkers for an invite
34 titan looking for a good team thts been flawless I have . just need helm flawless would be nice. Message me or inv on xbox
34 Hunter looking for a team. Gt above.
- anybody wants a chance to go flawless come to my stream and put in the raffle on xbox one!!
need one self ress preferred 1.3+ kd going for flawless. message me on xbox same gt as above
Need 2 who have been flawless before. I have been flawless previous times. Message me at whovian5 for invite
Need a good 3Rd person for trials x box one. Need lighthouse! Msg kInGeViLeLi asap
Need 2 lvl 34 365 primary Self red warlock Must have gone flawless 5 times
Need 1 more for trials Msg xxdeltonxx
Trails have two warlocks and very experience have gone flawless before message - A LEGIT SIR
34 Titan Flawless 22 Times Max Last Word/Thorn Max Party Crasher +1/Her Benevolence Grimoire score 3330 I'm looking for a smart and mature team. I prefer that you have gone flawless at least once. If you need one more player invite me
Need 1 more person for flawless must been flawless before msg T awesome112 for invite