Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
NEED 2 FOR A FLAWLESS RUN. MUST HAVE A POSITIVE KD I AM A Y1 & Y2 FLAWLESS 314 HUNTER -1.3 KD -Golden Gun -320 Smite of Merain 308 Invective -314 Elulims Frenzy -Crest of Alpha Lupi (Fast Rev)
311 warlock looking to do bounties invite GuRg5
1 more for trials flawless run. First run will be for passage coins and learning to play as a team. Mic and decent communication are my only requirements aslong as you are alert and aware. GT same as above
Edited by Space Pope II: 11/9/2015 12:12:47 AMLooking for team to do bounties, GT: space pope ii
Sitting at 3 wins anyone want to help get two more? 315 titan Gt Gladius Regni
Edited by radnorio: 11/9/2015 12:09:50 AM302 warlock I have an already flawless 306 Hunter if need be. I want to have fun with this. My Kd is normally around 1.4 with a good team. I need 2 or an invite paired with a message. :-)
Need one decent player for flawless trials run. Gt same as above. Message for invite
Need one decent player for flawless trials run. Gt same as above. Message for invite
Need two for chill trials run no mic, msg: Pheonix12128
Looking to go flawless yes i am a kid but good at the game and will listen and not cry over us losing. I dont have enough passage coins but we will just have to lose a few games i am a 308 with 310 spindle go worth of coins unless we farm them please be good i have been in to many crappy teams so dont even invite me if you suck and i am going to check before i spend my coins were ganna play a practice match btw invite dead sl4yer
- HELPING PEOPLE GO FLAWLESS & GET TO THE LIGHTHOUSE!! 260 People have been helped by me in the duration from when trials first came out until where we are now. Have to Follow the twitch channel to help me out as well though. Message your gamer tag in the chat after you've followed. & We'll get to it as soon as possible. We get several new players to the Lighthouse every single week, who's next ? Message in chat if you're looking for a card
MUST HAVE BEEN FLAWLESS YEAR 2 !! MUST HAVE EMBLEM NO EXCEPTIONS Looking for 2 More strong players!! Gone flawless once this weekend trying to do again! Won't rage quit if we lose but will pick up new passage coin! Must win first game for boon. Must have gone flawless & have Emblem INVITE ! rockyx954 FLAWLESS!!!
Need two for trials not looking for flawless (but that would be great) just wanna have fun 300+ msg prodigy pheonix for inv
305 hunter looking for flawless run just want good teamwork and communication inv gt above
306 warlock looking for two more experienced players that have good communication and want to go flawless. I also have a 312 hunter and a 310 Titan if I need to
Warlock 312 looking for team to join and go flawless I'm experienced be experienced too GT: ingoinboss
need 1 MSG for inv
305 + Titan looking to run flawless for some rewards through victories would like to go flawless don't really care just want to play trials with other SKILLED players victory through communication message LG Luckster
Looking for a team for a flawless run
Edited by Didum_Bumboo: 11/9/2015 12:00:39 AMNeed help running flawless, help will be appreciated. Experienced and can hold my own ground. Level 310 Titan. GT: Didum Bumboo XBOX ONE
done trials light of 308 hunter and need one
309/310 warlock need fireteam, I have mic , ign is above
Need one
- HELPING PEOPLE GO FLAWLESS & GET TO THE LIGHTHOUSE!! 260 People have been helped by me in the duration from when trials first came out until where we are now. Have to Follow the twitch channel to help me out as well though. Message your gamer tag in the chat after you've followed. & We'll get to it as soon as possible. We get several new players to the Lighthouse every single week, who's next ? Message in chat if you're looking for a card
Need one to go flawless must be good Must have gone flawless before
Hunter 1.5kd Have 100 yard stare Gt amigosuper1 Prefer warlocks