Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need one must have 1.5 million medal score and 30k+ kills.
Need one must have 1.5 million medal score and 30k+ kills
Only mlg who have the emblem this time, that are good...message ogtb kaotik
Looking to do bounties and have fun. Invite dead2legs Xbox one
Need one above 300 and 1.0 kd can carry their weight for flawless run
Edited by SlippingJimmy: 11/8/2015 11:26:12 PM310 hunter, looking for a chilled out team to go flawless I've done it already today on my warlock just want to run my hunter. Good calls and talkative no quite people lol GT ABOVE FOR INVITE
307 warlock looking to go flawless in it me gt Zykre
Need 1 more experienced pvp player for trials flawless. Just went flawless on warlock, I'm on my We're looking for someone who will play to win. Run revives, callout, team shoot, etc. Msg my GT the same for inv Preferably no children
Looking for a really good team!!! Already been flawless!! Must have the emblem and just be good! Looking to go flawless again.. inv I am Unknownn only if your good !
Need two for trials not looking for flawless (but that would be great) just wanna have fun 300+ msg prodigy pheonix for inv
314 Warlock for trials i run Red death and snipe inv gt Same
Need 1 for a trials run. Message SeRaMiX for an invite
314 Titan with pos kd chill player just looking for team for trails
Never done trials but light of 308 hunter and need two
Need 2 more good players for trials have the emblem and message Lm a rhino with your KD
308 self res warlock have been flawless y1 and y2 awesome sniper looking to get it done msg me class and lvl for inv. Please have a positive kd Gt same as above
Need 1 for trials just looking for chill person to finish bounties, get wins, and maybe go flawless
310 Hunter looking for a team Can hold my own Have been flawless this year 5 times GT: ToxiicDeception
Need 1 for trials
301 light sunsinger warlock Flawless y1 going for y2 Need a good team Gt:kingbube inv
Never done trials but light of 308 hunter and need two
Need two for flawless run 300+ be decent with a good sniper
Need 1 for trials. Shooting for a flawless. Message RICKYFISHY for invite
314 hunter have played old trials but not new one. Gt same as name
Looking for one must have been flawless with a good k/d for flawless run at 4 wins message DUI Steve
Need 1 good player for flawless run in trials message Jessetx for inv