Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Need 1 for flawless run Must have : Mic 1.0 kd or higher Flawless year 2 Msg SAGGUHLODIUS
Edited by MrMcstonerguru: 11/8/2015 11:15:52 PMNEED 1 got 313 and a 307 titan. Be chill and not a dick. Hit me up! Gt same as name trying o go flawless!!!!
313 titan, have beem flawless is year 1 and 2, looking for a good team that communicates and have been flawless as well in year 2, inv me
Need 2 for a fresh run a trials message on xbox for invite. I am a 307 warlock trying to go flawless.
312 lock looking for group. Invite jenk the tank 5.
309 Hunter Wanting to go flawless Been flawless in year one 30+ times Can carry own weight
Looking for a good team to try and go flawless and have some fun. Invite ArmoredTitan02
Need 1 [b][u]GOOD[/u][/b] player for flawless. Be a chill person. But don't be bad. We are fed up of bad people lol. I don't want to sound picky, but don't send a message if your trials k/d is 0.8 for example. GT: iDecco
Need 2 for trials. Lvl 303+ send NeonMelodies a message for an invite
Need 2 for trials message for invite gt starts with a lower case L
Need one for trials. Must have a 19.83 kd exactly. Must have year 2 no land beyond and sword breaker. I've been flawless 99 times today. Msg GT above for invite. Your name must have 33 vowels for me to invite you.
312 hunter already been flawless in y2. Looking to join a flawless team
Need 2 for trials. Must have gone in y2 and have good communication skills. Plz be good and able to hold your own. Msg GT above for invite.
Need 2 305+ guardians Must have gone flawless before Be able to carry your own weight
310 titan with no mic. Play well, looking for a team who knows how to play and has a plan. Inv plz.
301 light sunsinger warlock Flawless y1 going for y2 Need a good team Gt:kingbube inv
Need 1 for trials must have a 1.5+ message Sgt Jermz for inv
Looking for flawless run must be experienced message Toxicmetor for invite
Need 2 305+ guardians Must have gone flawless before Be able to carry your own weight
Looking to join a team or find one 310 hunter been flawless many times gt same as above invite or message for invite let get out their have fun get them 9 wins
Need one. Must be good and can carry your own weight. Msg me for inv. dounutkiller96
313 Titan looking for 305+ team Inv me GT: whiteysooner
Need two for flawless run Must have year one or year two flawless emblem 305+ Gamer tag same as above
Need 1 tht has been flawless for a run gt^ for inv
Looking for one must have been flawless with a good k/d for flawless run at 4 wins message DUI Steve
Looking for good team to go flawless been flawless twice inv xxtvegaxx