Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Looking for a team to go flawless Don't invite me if you are bad(I don't feel like carrying) Invite spongedrew8
Need 2 for trails trying to go flawless please be good at pvp and know what your doing message for invite gt same
looking for 2 not trying to go flawless, just looking to have a good time msg LordofthePlowd for invite
Top 1% player. Went x6 to lighthouse last week. x4 so far this week. ~good players only ~carry your own weight ~no BS excuses ~lets get this flawless shit done Looking to help other players go flawless and chill out. Gt above.
we are 312 and 314 looking for 1 310+ must be high level even with your crucible guns message rb rnasty message me your light
1 person to try and go flawless need to be 300+ and need to be decent at pvp message xXxLTNxXx
Top 3% in trials playing with followers helping them complete bounties and trying for flawless all you have to do is come to the stream and follow ,
310 Hunter Primary: Hacksaw Secondary: Stillpiercer / Conspiracy theory Heavy: Truth / Ruin Wake Looking for a team that has been flawless at least once in year Two. Flawless: I've been flawless 30+ times in year one, and went flawless 3 times last week. If you need another player invite me.
Looking to go flawless yes i am a kid but good at the game and will listen and not cry over us losing. I only have one go worth of coins unless we farm them please be good i have been in to many crappy teams so dont even invite me if you suck and i am going to check before i spend my coins were ganna play a practice match btw invite dead sl4yer
Need one for sweats plz be skilled.
Need 2 good trials players to go flawless with message jpducksfan for invite
Edited by Static: 11/8/2015 9:27:00 PM310 Hunter Primary: Hacksaw Secondary: Stillpiercer / Conspiracy theory Heavy: Truth / Ruin Wake Looking for a team that has been flawless at least once in year Two. Flawless: I've been flawless 30+ times in year one, and went flawless 3 times last week. If you need another player invite me.
Have been flawless looking for a team to do it again today message tattymonk00 for an inv
Looking for chilled run get bounties and try for 7 wins flawless would just be a bonus playing as Titan 302 message George Hancox for inv
LFM. Trying too run Trials too get Passage Coins!!! Have a mic. 300+. Message for invt> o iB OutLaw o
Need 1 Trials Flawless Run. Message on Live for invite.
305 hunter (third character ) been flawless twice this week on other 2 characters looking for 3rd flawless run Inv GoDz Crinkle
Looking for a group for trials, I just want to play a little and do the bounties not go flawless(but it would be nice) if you just wanna play causally then send me an invite on the gt above or send me a message for an invite
Need a Titan or Hunter, light level 304 and up. Message ABathingMedusa for an invite, trying to go flawless on XBOX ONE
Need a titan or warlock with y2 flawless emblem and very good at pvp. Must have a kd above 1.0. We both been flawless
Need 1 for trials need to be flawless msg for inv
313 warlock have been flawless 10+ in y1 looking for a 312+ that has been flawless y1 and y2 gt same as above
Need a titan or warlock with y2 flawless emblem and very good at pvp. Must have a kd above 1.0. We both been flawless
Looking for team 310+ I'm a 314 hunter went flawless this week Inv KoolAidStylez
Looking for a chill 310. Good weapons that want to make a serious run.
313 warlock have been flawless 10+ in y1 looking for a 312+ that has been flawless y1 and y2 gt same as above