Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Edited by LSA LegendZz: 11/8/2015 6:12:06 PM312 titan Flawless run Inv me gt same as name Must have yr2 flawless emble
309 titan lfg to go flawless no scrubs plz gt above
312 Titan never been flawless but would like to. I have the skill to do it and I've been 8-0 plenty of times I've just never had the group. I'm a great shotgunner and last word. I have six wins and I am looking for a flawless people to help me. MSG or INV me gt same
Self res lock went flawless many times y1 1.8kd 300 light lf flawless squad msg me in game
Need 1 more for trials flawless. Msg GT the same for inv
Invite if you want a good smart player I'm a warlock with a pulse and stare message gt above
311 titan. Looking to do bounties and have fun. Message acrazedhobo21 for invite
Just looking for a team for bounties.
313 warlock looking for good trials team. Please be able to hold your own. Msg gt above or inv
Need one for trials getting coins then going flawless message op persons op for invite
Edited by kaikeshadow1: 11/8/2015 6:05:34 PMLooking for one to run trials first for passage coins then try for flawless message me gt above
309 hunter have been flawless before looking to do so again :)
309 hunter have been flawless before looking to do so again :)
Need 1. Be 305+ and have a 1.5kd or better. I will be checking. Message me. Gt same as above
309 hunter can carry my own been flawless before lookin for solid team to go 9-0 must be able to hold your own weight no less than 307. Inv MawcuzSpliffs NO SCRUBSSS PLEASEEEEE
NEED ONE FOR TRIALS MUST HAVE GONE FLAWLESS AT LEAST IN Y1 and have good guns a mic and 305+ gt same as above thank you bye
Looking for one for trails must be 300+ with good skill
313 hunter Flawless player Looking for a team of exp flawless players inv NO SCRUBS!!!! please thanks Gt. AO6 BULLET
Need 1 for trials I'm in the top 3% 1.2 KD or better GT: im Ganop
I'm a 310 hunter with hawksaw or I can be a 312 with hawkmoon I'm not really good a crucible bc I don't spend alot of time in it and I'm looking to go flawless for my first time so I need help message solemburn for invI
312 Hunter looking for Trials Team. Inv N7 Doom. Trying to get to lighthouse.
310 Titan experienced good sniper
Need one to run for passage coins then maybe flawless me gt above
Need 1 for trials for flawless run Must be able to hold your own 302+ You will be booted without warning if you don't communicate
Need 1 who can hold there own going flawless message for invite gt above
Ive been flawless multiple times yr 2 looking for another one no bums or free ride inv me