Unofficial Trials of Osiris Team Finder to find a Team to go flawless or for just getting a couple wins for some loot.
Example for how to get team:State your goal
State your level
State you Gamertag
Example:Want to go flawless Level 40 Beansfordinner4. I can play with anyone in the Trials of Osiris if you see me online invite me.
Class: warlock Level: 40 313 light need 2 people I'm top 1% of the world for trials. You need to communicate, follow strategy, call things out, gone flawless year 2, & are substantial not just okay or decent. Must be substantial
GUN FOR HIRE I'am a 305 and up hunter or warlock I'am experienced, well equipped, and great with kids Not to mention handsome GT - Dragon of sou1s
Need 1 yr 2 flawless msg fsu x anomic for inv dont message me if u suck and wont listen to our strat
I need more wins for armor drops. Inv GT^^^^
Need 2 for trials
Need 1 more 4 trials
Looking for a serious, skilled team to take a trip to the lighthouse, invite gt above
Need 2 with a 1.5+ message Sgt Jermz for Inv
Need 2. Flawless titan/ hunter hold your own. Message for invite gt Thesmartcreeper
315 Sunsinger looking for 1 more to go flawless. Message me on xbox. Gamertag is same as username.
Need people looking to go flawless don't suck be above 300+ light message me for invite gt same as above
Need 2 people who are 305+ light and have been flawless multiple times and now how to snipe
Need 2. Flawless titan/ hunter hold your own.
Need two more for chill run, looking to complete the bounties. No try hards Msg- Ragnarok1986
Need 2 people who are 305+ light and have been flawless multiple times and now how to snipe
304 titan gt same inv me Been flawless
306 hunter looking for trials team. Can hold my own and have been flawless year 1. Would like to go flawless and have fun too. Send msg/inv
Need 2 with a 1.5+ message Sgt Jermz for Inv
Need one for trials. Be able to hold your own. Message lucidfer666
ToO - Xbox One Need 2 +310 - with positive k.d & communication GT: benjaminbradley
[b]Need 2 For Trials [u]MUST HAVE FLAWLESS EMBLEM Y2[/u] Gt- ChairHandlerCQC[/b]
310 Titan looking for trials run
Oryx normal lvl 295+ must have a mic and must be good at communicating and must be experienced msg for invite
Need one for flawless our 3rd characters Must have gone flawless Y2 I don't care about your light level. Be good. We're chill but not trying to waste time. Msg ON XBOX GT: stindawg for INV
Need a team to go flawless Been flawless this week twice Please be good, I'm short on passage coins xRICKxBOMBx
I'm a 303 warlock need two people to do trials with that are decent light doesn't matter message Acridaura or invite me to your game